Wednesday, July 30, 2008

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Maldives Dictator labels his political rivals liars

Maldives Dictator Golhaabo seems to be going through a rough patch these days, talking absolute bull, in his party rallies and press conferences.

Earlier this week, he denounced his opponents as liars and named the top five of a long list he had. They were, MP for Raa Atoll, Shaheed Zaki,, MP for Dhaalu Atoll, Ahmed Nashid (ADK), MP for Male’ Atoll and MDP Chairman Mariya Ahmed Didi, Vice President of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Ibrahim Hussain Zaki and founding MDP member Mohamed Latheef.

As always, Golhaabo’s comments were preposterous and rather pathetic. He said that Zaki had switched allegiance and that he was left out of the cabinet in 2003 for bad discipline. Perhaps Golhaabo should have done the same with his family members in the cabinet long time back, like his own brother Abdulla Hameed, a well known gay paedophile and his brother in law Ilyas Ibrahim, who is famous for preying on young women in islands that he visits. In response to these comments, Zaki said that Gayyoom had lied to the people for 30 years and the people were now ready to come out and oust him from power.

ADK Nashid was accused by Gayyoom of going back on his word. Gayyoom claimed that Nashid had said that he would still support the dictator despite leaving the DRP. Nashid dismissed the remarks by saying that the man is too old to remember anything now.

The allegation against Latheef was that he was the one behind the 2003 September riots in Male’, which in fact was a public reaction to the murder of Evan Naseem and his friends in jail by Maldives police. It seems that Gayyoom has forgotten all about it and is now claiming that those riots were designed to disrupt the 2003 Presidential referendum, held in October that year. Like the others, Latheef dismissed the remarks by saying Gayyoom is a congenital liar and that his lies were becoming more and more childish now.

There are now reports that Ibrahim Hussain Zaki and Mariya Didi as well as the other 3 political leaders who were accused of being liars by the ‘Demented One’ may file defamation cases against the dictator.

Of course, the dictator didn’t stop at that. He even accused the reformists, especially the members of the National Unity Alliance, of causing the death of a popular figurehead Saikuraa Ibrahim Naeem who passed away earlier this week at the age of 73. The dictator said that late Naeem died as a result of shock after watching the NUA members and their supporters converge on the palace and protest demanding a meeting with him last week.

Finally, Golhaabo claimed that he was in campaigning mode, which means similar stupid remarks, comments and statements will be more and more frequent in the coming days and weeks.

DRP’s reputation is at stake and unless someone stops this mad man, the party will be doomed in no time.