Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vote for Mr.Qasim Ibrahim

Gasim Ibrahim is very famous and highly respected for his philanthropic services across the country. Being one of the richest men of Maldives, owning many resorts and several businesses, Gasim has been masterfully building a strong base for his future, from a small beginning to become a billionaire and powerful and popular politician. Gasim's ambition to win the highest post of the country was in the air for so many years. His name will go into the annuls of Maldivian history as one of the pioneers of democracy and political reform, having fearlessly advocated for separation of powers and restriction of presidency for two terms since the national conference for Vision 2020, being one of the signatories for the initiative of forming political parties, being involved in the 2004 August 12 - 13 mass demonstration and charged for high treason, Gasim was in vanguard of Maldives politics as one of the most popular and potential leaders of the country.

His popularity declined so abruptly after he took the formidable post of Finance Minister in 2005, a job which some said he assumed to escape from some charges against him, or to show to the people he was equally and eminently qualified to shape the economy of the country. But during the three years he was Finance Minister, the country experienced some of the most difficult times with soaring budgets and inflation. His handling of the budgets coupled with the fast expansion of his private businesses, had serious repercussions on his personal credence and popularity. Some analysts said Gasim became the unfortunate victim of his indecisiveness and procrastination. If he has a clear cut vision to seek presidency, he should have made that decision and resigned from the post much earlier. There is lot of criticism and skepticism about Gasim's political credibility because he has still not made public his decision about his political future.

For the past few weeks, news about Gasim's own political party dominated headlines, people talked about the party as the most powerful party which will affect all the other parties in the country. Jumhoory Party, JP which was founded by Gasim's long time friend and businessman ADK Nashid finally had its launching last week in Kudahuvadhoo, but many raised questions about its size and strength seen at the inaugural meeting. Gasim was not there, there were doubts about the quorum of the meeting, and large number of members of Majlis, JP hoped to have, were not seen there. So it is still a mystery what Gasim will be doing, whether he will join JP and be its presidential candidate. Some say that Gasim will join JP after the ratification of the Constitution.

There are interesting news floating these days that Gasim is trying to forge a partnership with long time rival, Abdullah Yamin President's brother and President of one of the rising parties, PA. Supporters of Yamin have been very critical of Gasim and have blamed Gasim for mishandling the huge government budgets for 2007and 2008. Gasim resigned from Finance Minister after being severely criticized by the Majlis about 2008 Mrf 4.4 billion deficit budget. Gasim defended himself by saying that he could not raise the finance because of lack of cooperation from colleagues and he accused the government has failed. According to sources, Gasim is highly fascinated by the idea of making Yamin his running mate recognizing the high caliber and ability of the young charismatic leader. But Yamin, who has been elected President of his PA, has said he will stand for election for the presidency, if his party decides so. It is most likely Yamin will be the unchallenged presidential candidate of PA if the party decides to run for presidency. It is difficult to understand how Yamin would accept to be Gasim's deputy, but there are no friends and enemies in politics.

In other development, President Gayoom has started some offensives against opponents marking the beginning of a very aggressive campaigning for election. Gayoom has exposed some key opposition leaders when his party opened a new campaign office Monday night. Gayoom said he has a very long list of liars. Exposing rivals and opponents is a common thing in multi party politics. DRP leader has said he has been very patient in making such references. But the way he has spoken Monday night, it can be seen as warning of more lethal attacks to several formidable opponents. Surely, Gasim will be a priceless target and with the most sophisticated defense missile systems, it looks impossible to escape the looming offensives.
How will Gasim take these, will he have the courage to face them? Answers to these questions will not be so easy and coming weeks may see their light.

Another huge problem for Gasim will be the new conditions stipulated in the Constitution for presidential candidates that the candidate must not engage in any direct business. How will Gasim get himself qualified as a presidential candidate? Does this mean Gasim's dream of becoming president is already doomed? Or can he find a way forward during the short time available. JP founder Nashid has confidently said they already have a presidential candidate who does not need any campaigning, indicating the person is already well known, highly popular and extremely electable. If Nashid's secret choice is Gasim, it is true Gasim still enjoys considerable support and popularity from the people. Gasim may be a strong contender capable of challenging President Gayoom. At the same time, Abdullah Yamin seems to be adding more strength and popularity to his side, making his chances greater. But, pundits still believe, President Gayoom will be reelected to a seventh term in the first multi party presidential election to be held in October under the new Constitution.