Friday, August 1, 2008

Presidential Candidate Selector
Candidate Positions

Bob Barr - Libertarian
Robert L. (Bob) Barr, Jr. (born November 5, 1948 in Iowa City, Iowa) is an attorney and former member of the United States House of Representatives.[

  • IRAQ WAR “What we’ve fallen into in recent years — not just since 9/11, but particularly since 9/11 — is this notion that, in order to protect ourselves, we have to preemptively go into and — in the case of Iraq — occupy another sovereign nation,” Barr said. “Simply saying, ‘Gee, it’s better to fight over in this other nation and destroy another nation, so we’re not potentially attacked here, is the height of arrogance.” Source
  • LEAVING IRAQ Would support a deadline for withdrawal in Iraq.
  • BALANCING CIVIL LIBERTIES & SECURITY Would lean toward protecting civil liberties even though it might risk our security. "Unfortunately, in recent years government at all levels has shown growing disrespect for the Constitution, particularly the Fourth Amendment that protects citizens from unlawful searches and seizures. The sustained government attack on the sanctity of the rights of the individual, including their right to be secure in their privacy and property, has created a moral and Constitutional crisis." Source
  • SOCIAL SECURITY Would consider other options, including privatization.
  • SCHOOL CHOICE Would support publicly funded "voucher" program that allows students to choose to attend any of various participating private and public schools.
  • GAY & LESBIAN ISSUES One of America’s most determined foes of gay rights could become one of the cause’s most important allies. Former Georgia congressman Bob Barr, who was the architect of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, is now one of the nation’s loudest critics of a proposed federal constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage. His argument: DOMA, which allows states to refuse to recognize gay marriages performed in other states, is sufficient. A constitutional amendment would only hurt the country, he says. Source
  • TRADE ISSUES Would support free trade policies.
  • TAXES & GOVERNMENT SERVICES "To the extent that we can what we should start doing is cutting back on federal spending, reducing taxes, returning that money to the taxpayers themselves." Source
  • DEFICIT Would not support tax increases.
  • BUSINESS & LABOR Would favor the pro-business positions of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and similar groups.
  • ABORTION Opposed abortion as a member of Congress. Source
  • CAPITAL PUNISHMENT As a congressperson supported the death penalty.
  • MARIJUANA "I believe that those (drug laws) are precisely the type of issues that ought to be up to the voters of the states. There may very well be some aspects of those laws that do bring them within certain aspects of federal jurisdiction, but fundamentally those are states rights issues." Source
  • GUN CONTROL Would oppose gun control legislation. Supports positions of groups such as the NRA and the Gun Owners of America. Source
  • MINIMUM WAGE Would have a history of opposing increases in the minimum wage.
  • HEALTH CARE Barr posted this quote (not his own) on his site, "Here's a better idea: Free up the health care market, which drives down prices and expands choices for patients."
  • PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Would favor allowing citizens to purchase drugs from Canada and elsewhere abroad. It is not known if he would favor or not the federal government negotiating with drug manufacturers to get the best possible price.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Would oppose positions of environmental groups like the League of Conservation Voters.
  • LEGAL IMMIGRATION Would favor a more open immigration policy.
  • ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION "Our borders are currently neither open, closed, nor secure. This situation restricts the labor pool, encouraging employers to hire undocumented workers, while leaving those workers neither subject to nor protected by the law. A completely open border allows foreign criminals, carriers of communicable diseases, terrorists and other potential threats to enter the country unchecked. Pandering politicians guarantee access to public services for undocumented aliens, to the detriment of those who would enter to work productively, and increasing the burden on taxpayers." Source
  • SLAVERY REPARATIONS Would not advocate reparations for slavery
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Sen. Joseph Biden - Democrat
    (Born 20 November 1942) Professor, attorney
  • War authorization: He voted for the war resolution in 2002, but has since been critical of Bush's management of the war. Calls for withdrawal. Source
  • Security/liberties: 28% can Center for Security Policy score & 92% American Civil Liberties Union score in most recent ratings. Source
  • Social Security: Would not privatize.
  • Stem cell research: Supports federal expansion of stem cell research.
  • Same sex issues: Voted against constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.
  • Trade issues: Senator Biden supported the interests of the CATO Institute--Center for Trade Policy Studies 36 percent in 2003-2004. CATO favors free trade. Source
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget championing Concord Coalition gave Senator Biden a rating of 58 percent.
  • Business & labor issues: 44% U.S. Chamber of Commerce score & 100% AFL-CIO score in most recent ratings. Source
  • Abortion issues: Pro-choice; 100% Planned Parenthood score in most recent ratings. Source
  • Capital punishment: Supports capital punishment. “As the author of two major federal crime laws that extend the availability of the death penalty to sixty additional crimes, I support capital punishment as a crime-fighting technique. But we must implement the death penalty in a way that is consistent with our values as Americans. Just as we would not execute a 12-year-old, I have long argued that we should not execute a mentally retarded person whose mental capacity might be far more limited." Source
  • Marijuana: U.S. Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE): "To explain to my 15-year-old daughter or a 12-year old niece that doctors say ... that marijuana can be used as a medicine, it makes it awful hard for a parent to have a message that says, 'By the way, this is a very bad thing, this marijuana.' " Source
  • Gun control: Supports gun control; 0% Gun Owners of America score in most recent ratings. Source
  • Minimum wage: Has has voted for increases in the federal minimum wage. Source
  • Health care: Senator Biden supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 90 percent in 2005 (most recent evaluation). APHA states, "All Americans deserve comprehensive health coverage.". Source
  • Prescription drugs: Has voted "yes" on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug and similar bills. Source
  • Environmental issues: In most recent evalutions (2005), Biden supported the interests of the American Wilderness Coalition 100 percent, supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 100 percent, supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 90 percent. Source Source
  • Immigration issues: In 2006, Biden supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 100 percent, the interests of the U.S. Border Control 8 percent in 2005-2006. Biden supported the interests of the Federation for American Immigration Reform 0 percent in 2005. Source Source
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Voted against school vouchers. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg - Independent
    Born 14 February 1942, businessman, Mayor of New York City.
  • War authorization: In 2004, during a news conference with first lady Laura Bush in lower Manhattan, he came to her support on the topic of Iraq, suggesting that the invasion was justified by the Sept. 11 attacks. "Don't forget that the war started not very many blocks from here," he said. ... When asked at that time if he felt the president had lied to Americans about the reasons for going to war, Bloomberg said he didn't have any idea. At the time, he said, there appeared "a distinct possibility of weapons of mass destruction." More recently, he has harshly criticized those who advocate pulling out of Iraq, siding with many Republicans who say it would hurt troop morale. He has also slammed the proposal put forth by Sen. Joe Biden, a Democratic candidate for president, to divide Iraq into three semiautonomous regions of Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis, saying it would result in "genocide." Source
  • Security/liberties: "There are lots of threats to you in the world. There’s the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can’t sit there and worry about everything. Get a life." The mayor added, “You have a much greater danger of being hit by lightning than being struck by a terrorist.” SourcePreparing for the 2004 GOP Convention in NYC, Bloomberg received general praise from the NYCLU: "We're encouraged that the city's administration has taken positive measures to address concerns about demonstration permits and march routes," said Robert Perry, Legislative Director of the NYCLU. "But we believe affirmative steps are still necessary to ensure the city strikes the proper balance between security and freedom of speech and expression." Source
  • Social Security: Among problems Bloomberg says Washington is ducking is Social Security. "What would Bloomberg do as President? If the New York experience teaches anything, he will attack problems by spending more money and raising taxes. He has argued that he is really a conservative because he believes people want services and that to give them, you have to pay for them. By that measure, fixing Social Security - tax hikes. Health care, immigration, global warming - tax hikes." Source
  • Stem cell research: He supports stem cell research. Source
  • Same sex issues: He supports gay marriage Source
  • Trade issues: Favors free trade. Source
  • Budget issues: He raised property taxes to help solve a fiscal crisis after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Source
  • Business & labor issues: Bloomberg, who is a highly successful businessman, garnered strong support from labor unions in re-election bid for mayor. Source Despite often tense relations with teachers' unions, he negotiated an average raise of 15% for teachers in exchange for givebacks and productivity increases. Source: entry, "Michael_Bloomberg" May 2, 2007
  • Abortion issues: He is pro-choice. Source
  • Capital punishment: "Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg reiterated his opposition to capital punishment yesterday, after Staten Island prosecutors said they would seek the death penalty for a man accused of killing two police officers." Source
  • Illegal street drugs: "You bet I did. And I enjoyed it," said then Mayoral candidate Bloomberg just before the elections last year when a New York magazine reporter asked about his pot use. However, he enforced NYC's drug laws and has not advocated decriminalization of marijuana. Source
  • Gun control: He favors gun control. Source
  • Minimum Wage: Stance unknown.
  • Health care: "We've got a health care system that's not only breaking the bank, and not only leaving one out of six Americans uninsured, but which also provides decidedly ineffective care," said Mayor Bloomberg. "We have the most expensive and most advanced health care system in the world, yet we lag on such basic measures as life expectancy, and we fail to prevent death and disability for millions of Americans with common conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes." The Mayor told conference participants that universal health insurance alone won't automatically lead to the health improvements unless we start paying for prevention as well as treatment, saying that, "We're paying for a disease care system, not a health care system. We must fundamentally reorder our priorities –and start rewarding the primary and preventive care that keeps people out of hospitals in the first place." Source
  • Prescription drugs: Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today joined Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich in calling on the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to permit states and cities to import prescription drugs from Canada. Source“The [Municipal Labor Committee] helped avert dramatic reductions to the City’s Health Benefit Program,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “Without the spirit of compromise and a commitment to negotiate, tens of thousands of City workers, retirees and their families would have lost an important health benefit. Source
  • Environmental issues: "On 23 May 2007 he announced that by 2012 all of the city's Yellow Cabs will be hybrid cars." Source "'Mayor Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Rebuilding Doctoroff today announced GreeNYC, an integrated marketing and advertising campaign that is the consumer education component of PlaNYC. The initiative, consisting of television, radio, print, online and outdoor advertisements supported by Bank of America, is designed to educate, engage and mobilize all New Yorkers on the simple steps they can take to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases, and to create a greener, greater New York City." Source
  • Immigration issues: "In an editorial for The Wall Street Journal and two nationally televised interviews, the mayor reiterated his long-standing belief that the 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States should be given the opportunity for citizenship, saying that deporting them is impossible and would devastate the economy." Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Elaine Brown - Green Party
    (Born March 2, 1943) Lecturer, writer, activist.
  • Iraq War Issues: Her platform calls for "ending the war in Iraq". Source
  • Security/liberties:
  • Social Security:
  • Stem cell research:
  • Same sex issues:
  • Trade issues:
  • Budget issues:
  • Business & labor issues:
  • Abortion issues:
  • Capital punishment:
  • Marijuana:
  • Gun control:
  • Minimum wage: Her platform calls for "bringing about economic parity" and wants to "addresses the interests of poor and working families, in terms of living wages". Source
  • Health care: Her platform calls for "free healthcare". Source
  • Prescription drugs:
  • Environmental issues: Her platform calls for "restoring the environment". Source
  • Immigration issues:
  • Education issues: Her platform calls for "increased funding for public education and higher education". Source
  • Campaign website.

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Sen. Sam Brownback - Republican
    (Born September 12, 1956) Attorney, teacher, broadcaster
  • Iraq war issues: Has been a reliable Bush ally. “We must win this fight, it is a critical one and three things must be done to accomplish this. We must come together and be united here as we have not been able to sustain war efforts in the past when one party is for it and one party is against it. We must have a political solution over there. There need to be someway for Sunnis and Shia to come together, which is why I have been pushing a three state one country solution. Finally, we need to get the rest of the region to come together in a positive way.” Source
  • Security/liberties: 2003-2004 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the American Security Council 100 percent in 2003-2004. Source Senator Brownback supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 25 percent in 2005-2006. Source
  • Social Security: Brownback has written a glowing blurb for a Cato-published book promoting the privatization of Social Security. Source
  • Stem cell research: Voted against a bill that allows for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct and support research that uses human embryonic stem cells. Source
  • Same sex issues: "Marriage is the union of one man and one woman." Source
  • Trade issues: The free trade advocating CATO Institute--Center for Trade Policy Studies 91 percent in 2003-2004. Source
  • Budget issues: For 2001-2002, the Concord Coalition gave Senator Brownback a rating of 69 percent. Source
  • Business & labor issues: Senator Brownback supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 89 percent in 2005. 2005 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 7 percent in 2005. 2005 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 7 percent in 2005. Source
  • Abortion issues: "Abortion ends a human life. It destroys an individual who could have lived, worked, and contributed to our society. And has wiped out nearly an entire generation. I believe we should strive to fully embrace a culture of life through our national politics. I will continue to fight to protect life at every stage." Source
  • Capital punishment: In a follow-up to his interview on NPR, NPR reported that while conflicted, Brownback supports capital punishment for "the most heinous crimes". (03-08-2007) "Sen. Sam Brownback, [said], "Capital punishment contradicts the efforts to establish a "culture of life," a phrase that became prominent during the controversy over Terri Schiavo's fate." Source
  • Marijuana:
  • Gun control: "At the heart of the Bill of Rights is the Second Amendment. This Amendment guarantees an individual the right to keep and bear arms, which is essential, as the Amendment itself affirms, to “the security of a free state.” Restrictive gun control laws aimed at weakening this constitutional right are not the answer." Source
  • Minimum wage: Has voted for half the minimum wage increase bills that have before him. Source
  • Health care: 2005 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 20 percent in 2005. Source
  • Prescription drugs: Voted against a bill that would institute procedures for the introduction of generic drugs into the prescription drug market and would also allow importation of prescription drugs from Canada into the United States. Source
  • Environmental issues: 2005 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 0 percent in 2005. 2005 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 10 percent in 2005. 2005 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the Republicans for Environmental Protection 7 percent in 2005. Points for significant non-voting actions were added to or subtracted from percentages calculated from voting records. Thus, the rating may be less than 0 or greater than 100. Source
  • Immigration issues: 2006 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 77 percent in 2006. 2005-2006 Senator Brownback supported the interests of the U.S. Border Control 33 percent in 2005-2006. Source
    Opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: "I believe that providing for choice in education is beneficial to student achievement." Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Retired Gen. Wesley Clark - Democrat
    (Born December 23, 1944) Board chairman, corporate consultant, United states army general, retired NATO supreme allied commander/commander-in-chief, assistant professor, commentator.
  • War authorization: In his 2004 campaign site Clark said, "When the President flew out to the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln and posed under the banner that read: "mission accomplished," he made it clear he did not understand the scope of the mission. We need a success strategy. Only success that can honor the sacrifice of so many American men and women; it is only success that will allow Iraq to stand on its own; and it is only success that will allow our soldiers to come home. Early exit means retreat or defeat. Wes Clark has a plan to internationalize the reconstruction, counter the terrorists' guerilla war more effectively, and give Iraqis a greater stake in our own success." Source.
  • Security/liberties: Clark does not believe that we can win a war on terror if we give up the essence of who we are as Americans. That's why he thinks that Congress should fully review the so-called USA PATRIOT Act - and repeal the provisions that go too far. Source.
  • Social Security: I will never raise the retirement age on or privatize Social Security. Social Security is too vital a source of income to leave its survival to the caprice of the market. Source.
  • Stem cell research: Support stem cell research on existing lines of stem cells. Allow laboratories to create lines of stem cells for additional research. Source.
  • Same sex issues: Currently, most of our laws extend rights and responsibilities only to heterosexual families and explicitly exclude same-sex couples from enjoying those same rights and responsibilities. It is in the best interest of our country to promote stable communities and families - this includes both heterosexual and same-sex families. Accordingly, I believe that same-sex couples should not be denied rights to pensions, health insurance, family medical leave, bereavement leave, hospital visitation, survivor benefits, and other basic legal protections that all families and children need. Source.
  • Trade issues: Free trader. Source.
  • Budget issues: I have a plan to save $2.35 trillion over ten years and use the money to reduce the deficit and invest in priorities like job creation, healthcare, education, and homeland security. I'll do it by closing corporate tax loopholes, cutting duplicative government programs, repealing the Bush tax cuts for families making more than $200,000 a year and asking those families with incomes greater than $1 million a year to pay a 5% surcharge - but only on the amount they earn over a million dollars a year. Source.
  • Business & labor issues: Favors positions that organized labor favors. Source.
  • Abortion issues: Pro-choice. Source.
  • Capital punishment: Supports the use of the death penalty for federal crimes. Source.
  • Marijuana: Does not support legalization. Source.
  • Gun control: Favors Source.
  • Minimum wage: Support increases. Source.
  • Health care: Favors universal health care. Source.
  • Prescription drugs: Support prescription drug coverage under Medicare. Source.
  • Environmental issues: My Clean Air Plan will prevent 100,000 premature deaths from polluted air by 2020 compared with the Bush Administration's current course. I'll set tough standards for electric power plants, crack down on corporate polluters, and harness American technology and market-based approaches to meet air pollution challenges with innovative, job-creating solutions. Source.
  • Immigration issues: Supports the following:
    Increase the number of visas issued for agricultural workers.
    Relax restrictions barring legal immigrants from using social programs (e.g. public housing, food stamps).
    Amnesty for certain illegal immigrants who already reside in the United States. Source.
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education: Does not support vouchers. Source.
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Sen. Hillary Clinton - Democrat
    (Born October 26, 1947) Attorney, professor
  • War authorization: Voted for war authorization, but believes that vote was a mistake based on faulty information provided by the White House. Now calls for withdrawal of US troops.
  • Security/liberties: Clinton supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 83% in 2005-2006, 78% in 2003-2004, 60% in 2001-2002. Clinton supported the interests of the American Security Council 20 percent in 2003-2004 and supported the interests of the Center for Security Policy 28 percent in 2003-2004. On 03/02/2006 voted for the USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization. On 12/16/2005 voted against USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization. On 07/14/2005 voted for Disclosure of Classified Information Amendment. On 10/06/2004 voted for National Intelligence Reform Act. On 10/25/2001 voted for USA Patriot Act.
  • Social Security: Opposes privatizing. Clinton supported the interests of the Alliance for Retired Americans 100 percent in 2005.
  • Stem cell research: Voted for HR 810: Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005.
  • Same sex issues: Voted against constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. Supports gay domestic partnership benefits, favors civil unions. Source
  • Trade issues: Supported the interests of the CATO Institute (free trade advocates) 50% in 2003-2004 and 17% and 2001-2002.
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget advocates, the Concord Coalition, gave Senator Clinton a rating of 58% in the most recent rating (2001-2002).
  • Business & labor issues: Supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 35% in 2005.
  • Abortion issues: Pro-choice.
  • Capital punishment: Advocates the death penalty.
  • Marijuana: Does not favor legalizing medical marijuana at this point. However, she wants to see more research on the topic. Source She also promises to end federal raids on medical marijuana dispensaries. Source
  • Gun control: The NRA gives her an F, and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gives her a 100% rating.
  • Minimum wage: Favors increasing the minimum wage.
  • Health care: She supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 80% in 2005 and 100% of the time in 2004.
  • Prescription drugs: In 2005 voted for the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Amendment and Prescription Drug Plan Amendment.
  • Environmental issues: Environmental groups have given her ratings in 90's and 100%.
  • Immigration issues: Clinton supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 88 percent in 2006. She supported the interests of the U.S. Border Control 8 percent in 2005-2006. She supported the interests of the Federation for American Immigration Reform 0 percent in 2005.
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton slammed private-school voucher proposals yesterday, predicting that vouchers would eventually lead to the creation of taxpayer-financed white supremacist academies - or even a government-funded "School of the Jihad." Clinton, a longtime voucher foe who earned the backing of the city teachers union in 2000, says government financing of sectarian groups would incite ethnic and religious conflict - and encourage fringe groups to demand government cash to run their schools. Source
  • Net Neutrality: Strongly yes. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Stephen Colbert
    (Born May 13, 1964) He is conservative pundit on his own cable show, the "Colbert Report". "A lot of people have accused me of being a partisan Republican hack. Not true—I’m an Independent hack."
  • Iraq War Issues: Supported invading Iraq. He supported it even before President George W. Bush suggested it. Agrees with the members of The Project for a New American Century including William Kristol with whom Colbert had this conversation:
    COLBERT: Right, we should have invaded Iraq, you know, then [in the 1990s] you said.
    KRISTOL: We should have, actually.
    COLBERT: Exactly. Source
    "We’ll never lose in Iraq if we never leave Iraq. Source
    "I believe the government that governs best is the government that governs least. And by these standards, we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq." Source
  • Security/liberties: Stephen [Colbert] supports wiretapping so much that he wiretaps every crew member working the Colbert Report. Furthermore, "Colbert Nation Covenant" contains the following clause: "Thus, as proof of my loyalty and trustworthiness I hereby give the Colbert Nation the right to monitor my activities Using a combination of private security personnel and high-tech surveillance equipment Including but not limited to satellite photos, GPS tracking, and a tiny camera embedded in my forehead." Source Source
    "Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now." Source
  • Social Security: Opposes social security and retirement. Believes that if old people can bridge they can works as typists. Source
    Interviewed on NBC's Meet The Press by Tim Russert:
    COLBERT: Well, Tim, I, I just don’t understand pensions or Social Security. Why do you get paid after you stop working? That doesn’t make any sense to me.
    RUSSERT: Abolish Social Security?
    COLBERT: Yes.
    RUSSERT: Abolish Medicare?
    MR. COLBERT: Yes.
    RUSSERT: Abolish all pensions?
    COLBERT: Abolish tipping waiters and waitresses because I’ve gotten my food. They get paid by the hour. Why am I giving them extra money? That’s all pensions and Social Security are. It’s a tip at the end of your life. Source
    "We should Source
  • Stem cell research: Upon hearing the news that womb transplants may be possible, including transplanting wombs into men, he suggested that stem cells, "those tiny frozen Americans", could be birthed by male political figures who oppose stem cell research. Source
  • Same sex issues: Interviewed on NBC's Meet The Press by Tim Russert:
    COLBERT: Marriage is the basic building block of society. And if gay men get married, that threatens my marriage immediately because I only got married as a taunt toward gay men because they couldn’t.
    RUSSERT: So it makes you feel insecure.
    COLBERT: Well, I just don’t know else—why I got married other than to rub it in gay people’s faces Source
  • Trade issues: Colbert addressed the South Carolina International Trade Conference, “China’s economy is booming,” and offered, “It’s time we learned about capitalism from these communists.” Source
  • Budget issues: He admires Bush as a "fiscal conservative". "I don't think deficits or debt are anything to worry about." "We grow the economy and by growing the economy we make the [deficit] problem smaller, we'll grow our way out of this.". Source
  • Business & labor issues: He has frequently expressed his admiration for business and corporations and his disdain for labor unions "[Hillary Clinton] said one of her favorite movies is The Wizard of Oz. Well, I re-watched it recently, and I can't believe I never noticed the liberal subtext before. Judy Garland--gay icon--stars as Dorothy, an innocent girl from the Heartland, who gets swept away to a drug-induced fantasy land where's she's greeted by labor activists from the local guild. After she murders a powerful Oz official, she becomes a fugitive, hitting the road with a racially diverse group including a laborer, an animal-rights activist, and a treehugger." Source
  • Tax issues: Following the Democratic victory in the 2006 Midterm Elections, an emotional Colbert lamented: "Tomorrow you're all going to wake up in a brave new world...[w]here tax-and-spend Democrats take all your hard-earned money and use it to buy electric cars for National Public Radio, and teach evolution to illegal immigrants. Oh, and everybody's high! You know what, I've had it! You people don't deserve a Republican majority! I quit!" Source
  • Abortion issues: Opposes To author Ramesh Ponnuru on the title of his book: "[Y]ou've got a catchy little slogan here: The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life. I'm 100% behind you here. Democrats are the Party of Death." Source
  • Capital punishment: Favors it. He believes that the death penalty is deterent, noting that it has stopped him from killing people. "I'm disappointed that my own Catholic Church has decided that capital punishment is wrong. Which is pretty hypocritical if you think about it, because they wouldn't even have a religion if it wasn't for capital punishment." Source
  • Drugs: Opposes drug legalization including medical marijuana: “Your state is one of the few that has a medical marijuana program,” Colbert said to Congressman Rick Larsen, from Washington.
    Larsen: Uh-huh, that’s right.
    Colbert: Are you high right now?
    Larsen: I am not, nor have I ever been.
    Colbert: I didn’t ask that part. You jumped to that pretty quickly. Seems like he doth protest too much. Are you going to tell me you didn’t kill anyone next? ‘I don’t know where the murder weapon is.’ That’s what that sounded like to me.
    Larsen: I can understand what you’re saying.
    Colbert: Can you? Because sometimes it can impair your hearing if you smoke dope. Source
  • Gun control: Opposes. "What's the most absurd thing about gun regulations? Gun registry? 72 hour waiting period? Trigger locks? What part of that is most laughable?" Source
  • Minimum wage: "Subject is minimum wage. I'm against it." "The point is I am here to tell you that your sacrifice will be rewarded because if you keep sacrificing your benefits long enough and if your wages get low enough we'll get those jobs back from China. And let me be the first to say You';re Welcome." Source
  • Health care: Opposes any sort of government funded healthcare. "If we really care for our kids, we should deny them health insurance now to immunize them against expecting it as adults. If we don’t, when they grow up, who knows what other unrealistic things they’re going to expect? You know, if we fund Head Start now, later, they’ll expect education. If we fund school lunches now, later, they’ll expect food." Source
  • Prescription drugs: Opposes any efforts to reduce the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. "That's why it's called the medical business". "It's free market economy." Source
  • Environmental issues: Is supportive of the Bush White House in regards to the environment. ""Everything the president's done in the last six years has been part of his aggressive, yet practical strategy to to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [on screen: Fear Is A Renewable Resource]. Why do you think he okayed his domestic wiretapping program? So agents wouldn't have to waste gas driving around in surveillance vans [on screen: Or Waste Paper on Search Warrants]. The five million RNC e-mails that disappeared during the attorney general firing scandal will now never be printed out, saving thousands of trees [on screen: And Gonzales' job]. ... The president is getting the credit he deserves. He may not be solving global warming entirely ... but thanks to his policies, all over the world, America is getting a much chillier reception. And that's 'The Word'" Source
    "You can't strangle a seabird these days without hearing from the reduce, re-use and recycle brigade! Meanwhile, this New York family, the Beavans are five months into a year long experiment. No toilet paper! No incandescent bulbs! No disposable razors! Planes, trains, automobiles or elevators or shopping for anything new! Its like Gilligan's Island only completely implausible! Source
  • Immigration issues: Suggested "Southsourcing", moving American farms into Mexico which would allow employers to pay farm workers $11 dollars a day instead of $7 an hours. He also recommends relocating American houses, restaraunts, big box stores and jobs and life in general into Mexico. Colbert opines, that would cause would-be illegal immigrants to go to where the jobs are...Mexico. Source
    Colbert quickly dismissed the argument that “immigrants built this country” as outdated. “It’s built now,” he said. “I think we finished in the mid-70s. At this point, it’s a touch-up and repair job.” Source
  • Slavery reparations: A foreign concept to him. He does not see color; people tell him that he's White, so he takes their word for it.
  • Education issues: Favors a tough-love approach to education, but with "“Almost no love. Just tough." Colbert suggested "[W]hy not just bring back child labor? Because, I’ve got to tell you, you give those 10-year-olds a couple of shifts in my textile factory, you know, a couple of fingers missing, they will hit the books hard and achieve. Aren’t we too soft on kids today?” Source
  • Campaign website.

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Sen. Christopher Dodd - Democrat
    (Born May 27, 1944) Attorney.
  • Iraq War issues: Dodd voted for Use of Military Force Against Iraq. Source Senator Dodd calls for an end to America’s open-ended commitment to remain in Iraq indefinitely. Instead, he believes that the time has come for the Administration to begin to reposition troops to safer areas within Iraq, as well as to Afghanistan and other areas in the Middle East where they can serve other pressing national security priorities. Source
  • Security/liberties: Senator Dodd supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 80 percent in 2005-2006. Source Senator Dodd supported the interests of the Center for Security Policy 22 percent in 2003-2004. Senator Dodd supported the interests of the American Security Council 30 percent in 2003-2004. Source
  • Social Security: 2003-2004 On the votes that Retire Safe, a pro-privatization group, considered to be the most important in 2003-2004, Senator Dodd voted their preferred position 11 percent of the time. Source
  • Stem cell research: Voted for a bill that allows for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct and support research that uses human embryonic stem cells. Source
  • Same sex issues: "[Dodd] agreed that marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman - not gay couples". "[Supports] civil unions for gay couples". Source "Supporters of this proposed amendment would like you to believe that there is currently an 'assault' on traditional marriage by some American couples and families that warrants Federal action in the form of a constitutional amendment to "protect" the institution of marriage. They have utterly failed to marshal even a minimal degree of credible facts to support such a claim." Source
  • Trade issues: Senator Dodd supported the interests of the free trade advocating CATO Institute--Center for Trade Policy Studies 36 percent in 2003-2004. Source
  • Budget issues: For 2001-2002, the balanced budget favoring Concord Coalition gave Senator Dodd a rating of 74 percent.Source "Dodd is a long-time supporter of budget reforms – particularly those that require pay-as-you-go discipline in spending and tax policy." Source
  • Business & labor issues: Dodd supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 39 percent in 2005. Source Dodd supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 86 percent in 2005. Dodd supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 86 percent in 2005 Source
  • Abortion issues: Senator Dodd supported the interests of the Planned Parenthood 100 percent in 2006. Senator Dodd supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 0 percent in 2005-2006. Source
  • Capital punishment: Has supported bills to limit the death penalty and for moratoriums. SourceHowever, more recently Dodd has said that capital punishment is used too widely, but there are certain circumstances where he "would not exclude the use of the death penalty." He says that he would not call for a moratorium on capital punishment. He has called for judicial reform and a closer look at the country's criminal justice system so that "we can do a better job of making decisions" about the death penalty. Source
  • Marijuana: Voted NO on increasing penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999) Source
    Bill Maher: Can you give me a good reason why in a free and fair society marijuana should be illegal?
    Chris Dodd: And again, and ah the overall of general of allowing ah the the decriminalization I strongly advocate as well. Source
  • Gun control: Based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionnaire sent to all Congressional candidates in 2004, the National Rifle Association assigned Senator Dodd a grade of F. Dodd supported the interests of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence 90 percent from 1988-2003 (Senate) or 1991-2003 (House). Source
  • Minimum wage: Has voted for half the bills to increase the minimum wage, including the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, that have come before the Senate. Source
  • Health care: Chris Dodd proposed a universal health coverage plan Thursday with benefits matching those given to federal workers. Source
    2005 Senator Dodd supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 90 percent in 2005. Source
  • Prescription drugs: Dodd has voted for bills that would allow the Health and Human Services Secretary to negotiate with prescription drug manufacturers for the best possible prescription drug prices. Source Dodd has also worked to make prescription medicines more affordable for seniors, the poor, and working families. He supports expanding health care coverage to include coverage of prescription drugs for seniors and poor children. Source
  • Environmental issues: Dodd supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 88 percent in 2003-2004. Source
  • Immigration issues:Dodd supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 88 percent in 2006. Dodd supported the interests of the U.S. Border Control 8 percent in 2005-2006.
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source Source
  • Education issues: "In a far-reaching move than could have significant implications for public schools, the Senate approved legislation Nov. 3 [2005] to create a school voucher program for private, as well as public, school students displaced by the recent hurricanes. The voucher measure, sponsored by...Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.); [and others], was passed as an amendment to the Senate budget reconciliation bill by voice vote." Source"Dodd has authored legislation to expand student loans and grants, and to make tuition tax deductible - so that every deserving child can gain a college degree." Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Ex-Sen. John Edwards - Democrat
    (Born June 10, 1953) Lawyer
  • War authorization: Voted for Military Force Authorization resolution two days after 9/11, but now calls that vote a mistake Source
  • Security/liberties: Voted for the USA Patriot Act of 2001. On votes that the American Civil Liberties Union considered to be the most important in 2001-2002 , Edwards voted their preferred position 60 percent of the time. Source Edwards supported the interests of the American Security Council 75 percent in 2002 Source
  • Social Security: Edwards supported the interests of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare 100 percent in 1999-2000. Source
  • Stem cell research: Supports expansion of stem cell research.
  • Same sex issues: Supports civil unions, but not same sex marriages.
  • Trade issues: On the votes that the CATO Institute--Center for Trade Policy Studies considered to be the most important in 2001-2002, Edwards voted their preferred position 17 percent of the time. Source
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget advocating Concord Coalition gave Edwards a rating of 69 percent. Source
  • Business & labor issues: Edwards supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 15 percent in 2003. SourceEdwards supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 75 percent in 2003. Those who supported or provided other assistance in connection with a UAW organizing drive are given an extra 10% bonus. He supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 100 percent in 2003. Source
  • Abortion issues: Edwards supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 0 percent in 2003-2004. He supported the interests of the NARAL Pro-Choice America 100 percent in 2003. Source
  • Capital punishment: Believes the death penalty is appropriate for some crimes.
  • Marijuana: Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) has said publicly that [he opposes] arresting and jailing patients for using medicinal marijuana, but has [not] endorsed the drug's legalization. Source Has admitted to smoking pot himself.
  • Gun control: Edwards supported the interests of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence 77 percent from 1988-2003 (Senate) or 1991-2003 Source
  • Minimum wage: He has voted for minimum wage increases.
  • Health care: John Edwards believes we need to reform our health care system to provide truly universal coverage - not mere access to insurance - and get better care at lower cost. Source
  • Prescription drugs: Voted to pass a bill that would institute procedures for the introduction of generic drugs into the prescription drug market and would also allow importation of prescription drugs from Canada into the United States. Source
  • Environmental issues: John Edwards believes that Americans must be patriotic about something other than the war. We must act now by investing in clean, renewable energies like wind, solar, and biofuels to create a new energy economy, developing a new generation of efficient cars and trucks, and putting new energy-saving technologies to work in buildings, transportation, and industry. Source
  • Immigration issues: Edwards supported the interests of the Americans for Better Immigration 12 percent in 1989-2003. He supported the interests of the Americans for Better Immigration 17 percent in 1989-2002. Source
  • Education issues: Edwards supported the interests of the National Education Association 83 percent in 2003. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Sen. Barack Obama - Democrat
    (Born August 4, 1961) Attorney, lecturer.
  • War authorization: As a state senator, he spoke out against Iraq war, before the war started. Has long favored a phased withdrawal.
  • Security/liberties: He voted against and later for bills to reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. "Let me be clear: this compromise is not as good as the Senate version of the bill, nor is it as good as the SAFE Act that I have cosponsored. I suspect the vast majority of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle feel the same way. But, it's still better than what the House originally proposed. This compromise does modestly improve the PATRIOT Act by strengthening civil liberties protections without sacrificing the tools that law enforcement needs to keep us safe." --February 16, 2006 Source. Obama supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 83 percent in 2005-2006. "Senator Obama is a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and has supported efforts to base homeland security spending on risk rather than pork-barrel politics. He has also introduced legislation to strength chemical plant and drinking water security and to enhance disaster preparedness." -Campaign site
  • Social Security: Senator Obama supported the interests of the Alliance for Retired Americans 100 percent in 2005.
  • Stem cell research: Supports federally funded stem cell research.
  • Same sex issues: Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality.
  • Trade issues: Has a mixed voting record of trade issues. Voted for free trade agreement with Oman. Voted against implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. In 2005-2006 USA Engage gave Senator Obama a rating of C. "USA*ENGAGE promotes responsible alternatives to sanctions that actually advance US humanitarian and foreign policy goals, such as intensified US diplomacy and multilateral cooperation."
  • Budget issues: "Senator Obama voted against the most recent effort to raise the national debt limit. The current national debt has exceeded $8.6 trillion dollars, and nearly $4 trillion of that debt is now held by foreign governments. Our national debt and annual budget deficits effectively tax all Americans by adding to the amount of interest paid to service U.S. borrowing." Source Obama supported the interests of the National Taxpayers Union 6 percent in 2005.
  • Business & labor issues: Obama supported the interests of the National Federation of Independent Business 12 percent in 2005-2006.
    "Sen. Obama regularly supports legislation that we support. There have been no votes in the Senate on legislation we track, therefore our system may have reported 0% simply because no votes were cast. His actual support of NAGC issues is 100%." - J.R. Claeys, President, National Association of Government Contractors
    He supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 39 percent in 2005.
    He supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 93 percent in 2005.
    He supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 92 percent in 2005.
  • Abortion issues: Obama supported the interests of the Planned Parenthood 100 percent in 2006. Obama supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 0 percent in 2005-2006. Obama supported the interests of the NARAL Pro-Choice America 100 percent in 2005.
  • Capital punishment: Obama says the death penalty "does little to deter crime" but he supports it for cases in which "the community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage." As as state senator, Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases. Source Obama [favors] the death penalty for only the most heinous of murders, such as serial killing. But Obama qualified his stance, saying that his support eroded further when looking at how the death penalty "is currently administered in this country." Obama supported a federal moratorium on capital punishment. Source
  • Marijuana: Famously admitted to using illegal drugs in his book. On the issue of medicinal marijuana, Obama said that if the "best way to relieve pain and suffering is through medicinal marijuana," then it's something he's open to. Source
  • Gun control: Obama supported the interests of the Gun Owners of America 0 percent in 2005. Based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionnaire sent to all state legislative candidates in 2004, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund assigned Senator Obama a grade of F (with grades ranging from a high of A+ to a low of F).
  • Minimum wage: Voted for increases in the minimum wage.
  • Health care: "Too many hard-working Americans cannot afford their medical bills, and health-related issues are the number one cause for personal bankruptcy. Promoting affordable, accessible, and high-quality health care is a priority for Senator Obama." -Campaign site
  • Prescription drugs: "To help lower the cost of prescription drugs, Senator Obama has supported efforts to allow American seniors to purchase prescription drugs in Canada and bring them back to the U.S. He also has supported giving Medicare the ability to negotiate lower drug prices." Senate site
  • Environmental issues: Obama supported the interests of the American Wilderness Coalition 100 percent in 2005. Obama supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 88 percent in 2005. Obama supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 95 percent in 2005.
  • Immigration issues: Obama supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 88 percent in 2006. Obama supported the interests of the U.S. Border Control 8 percent in 2005-2006. Obama supported the interests of the Federation for American Immigration Reform 0 percent in 2005.
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers. Source
  • Education issues: Opposes vouchers.
  • Net Neutrality: Strongly yes. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Former Gov. James Gilmore - Republican
    (Born October 6, 1949) Lawyer
  • War authorization: Jim Gilmore supports increasing the number of troops as necessary to enforce civil order in Iraq and giving our military men and women a clearly defined mission that will allow them to defeat the terrorists who are threatening our security. Jim Gilmore strongly rejects the calls of those who demand a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq on a fixed timetable because it would swiftly lead to chaos and America’s defeat. Source
  • Security/liberties:
  • Social Security: Praises Bush leadership on Social Security reform. (Jul 2000) Maintain long-term solvency of Social Security and Medicare. (Aug 2001) Source
  • Stem cell research: Opposes federally funded stem cell research. Source
  • Same sex issues: Jim Gilmore believes marriage is the union of one man and one woman and as President will oppose gay marriage and so-called civil unions. Source
  • Trade issues:
  • Budget issues: Jim Gilmore supports efforts to reduce taxes including making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Source
  • Business & labor issues:
  • Abortion issues: As Governor of Virginia, Jim Gilmore time and time again stood solidly for the sanctity of life and the preservation of traditional family values. Jim Gilmore’s leadership led to successful legislation which he signed into law that created a 24-hour waiting period for women seeking an abortion, required parental notification for minors seeking an abortion and banned partial birth abortion. Jim Gilmore created the Virginia Abstinence Initiative and dramatically increased funding for adoption services. Source
  • Capital punishment: Advocates use of the death penalty. Source
  • Marijuana: Believes illegal drugs are not an acceptable part of our society. Source
  • Gun control: Jim Gilmore is a member of the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors and has spent much of his life working to protect our 2nd Amendment rights. Jim Gilmore believes the right to keep and bear arms is entitled to the same protection as every other amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Jim Gilmore believes gun ownership is based on the American tradition of personal responsibility and he is committed to protecting the rights of hunters, sportsmen and gun owners. Source
  • Minimum wage:
  • Health care: Opposed "Hillary Clinton's plan to socialize health care". May 3, 2007 Republican Debate.
  • Prescription drugs:
  • Environmental issues: Voluntary partnerships reduce greenhouse gases economically. (Aug 2000) Kyoto Treaty must include reductions by all countries. (Aug 2000) More funding to develop domestic energy supplies. (Sep 2001) Source
  • Immigration issues: There should be no amnesty for those who are in our country illegally. As a forceful advocate for homeland security, Jim Gilmore knows that we must secure America’s borders to protect our country. We will not be able to deal successfully with those who are in our country illegally until we have secured our borders and stopped the entrance of additional illegals. We must re-examine our existing immigration laws and develop a better program for temporary workers as well as requiring employers to verify workers are here legally. Source Source
    Opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and supports temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Supports vouchers. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
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  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
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    Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich - Republican
    (Born June 17, 1943) Professor, author
  • Iraq War issues: It took Washington from 1776 to 1783 to win the Revolutionary War. It took Lincoln four years to finally hit on a winning strategy to win the Civil War. And the Cold War lasted more than 40 years until the Soviet Empire collapsed. We have risen to the challenge before and we can do so again. So too can we win this war.
    Newt Gingrich said yesterday that the Bush administration has gone "off a cliff" in postwar Iraq and that "the White House has to get a grip on this." In a blunt critique by a leading Republican, Gingrich said the administration has failed "to put the Iraqis at the center of this equation. Source
  • Security/liberties: Prominent conservatives, including...former House Speaker Newt Gingrich...have also criticized the Patriot Act. Source"I just think we need, for our own long term protection, we need to draw very sharp distinctions between things we're prepared to do to go after terrorism for national security and things we're prepared to do for criminal reasons." "Look, I believe that U.S. Attorney with a compliant Grand Jury, can find an excuse to indict almost anybody, and I think it is very dangerous, I'm a conservative, I believe that the power of the State is a very frightening power but we need the State in order to protect ourselves against enemies who would kill us, but we want to be very careful about not having some future politician or some future political appointee decide that they have a giant loophole that would violate your civil rights or my civil rights and I think it could easily be misused. I do think it's a legitimate concern." Source
  • Social Security: Would allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage and/or which are managed by the government. Source
  • Stem cell research:
  • Same sex issues: "I’m not sure where I stand on civil unions. It’s like marriage without marriage. I’ll give you a specific example of what I believe. People ought to have the ability to have people visit them in the hospital, which is the most obvious and awkward situation. There ought to be a way to arrange that. There ought to be some way to leave your estate to someone. There ought to be some way to arrange that." Source
  • Trade issues: Supports the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Source
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget championing Concord Coalition has a dim view of Gingrich. "As we economists commonly say, 'holy moly,' " said Stuart Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation. Actually, Butler said, that is a cleaned-up version of what they say. This was not how Republican Rep Walter Jones of Farmville envisioned things working out when he was elected to Congress in 1994 as part of the Newt Gingrich revolution. Although Republicans have controlled Congress for most of that time, and the White House for the past five years, the national debt has gone from $4.9 trillion to $8.2 trillion during Jones' tenure. (The deficit is when the federal government spends more money than it takes in. The national debt is what the government owes after having borrowed each year to pay its bills.) Source
  • Business & labor issues: Gingrich and organized labor have a contentious relationship. The AFL-CIO referred to Newt Gingrich and GOP House members as "his gang of 'Gingristas'”. Source
  • Abortion issues: Abortions should be legal only when the pregnancy resulted from incest, rape, or when the life of the woman is endangered. Source
  • Capital punishment: Would broaden use of the death penalty for federal crimes. Source
  • Marijuana issues: Would increase penalties for selling illegal drugs. Would not decriminalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Source
  • Gun control: Gingrich has been a strong ally of the NRA.
  • Minimum wage: Does not favor increases in the minimum wage. Source
  • Health care: Opposed calls for universal health care, believes market competition yields more health choice at lower prices. Source
  • Prescription drugs: "Drugs should be purchased through a Travelocity model, exactly like airline tickets and hotel rooms. People should know the range of choices, from over-the-counter to generic to branded pharmaceuticals. They should have an "after-pay," rather than a co-pay. The company should pay for the least-expensive prescription drug that is medically appropriate; the patient should retain the right to buy any of the more expensive drugs if they want to pay for the difference with their own money. This kind of drug-purchasing system, we believe, would take 40 percent out of the cost of prescription drugs." Source
  • Environmental issues: The League of Conservation Voters gave the Gingrich led House Republicans a score of 24%. Gingrich was not given a score, because as Speaker, he voted at his discretion. Source
  • Immigration issues: The former House speaker wants the United States to completely seal off its border along Mexico and Canada, deport illegal aliens within 72 hours of their arrest and exclude U.S. courts from reviewing such deportations.
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source Source
  • Education issues: Supports the use of vouchers allowing parents to send their children to any participating school: public, private or religious. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Personal website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani - Republican
    (Born May 28, 1944) Lawyer, businessman
  • War authorization: Has supported Bush's management of the war in Iraq from the start. Referring to McCaskill’s call to redeploy troops away from Iraq over the next two years, Giuliani said: “Giving your enemy the impression that you’re going to run away emboldens them.” Source
  • Security/liberties: Giuliani applauded [former Senator] Talent’s support for the Patriot Act and electronic surveillance of terror suspects. “Mob suspects and terrorists do not come walking into your office and confess,” he said. “You have to intrude. Source
  • Social Security: He favors allowing some investment in private accounts. Source
  • Stem cell research: Supports stem cell research. Source
  • Same sex issues: "Gays should be protected. I signed The Domestic Partnership Law in New York. But the way I'm portrayed by my opponents -- and I guess to drive people away from me -- is that I'm in favor of gay marriage. I am not." Larry King Show
  • Trade issues:
  • Budget issues: According to his campaign site, "Rudy Giuliani inherited a $2.3 billion dollar budget deficit and turned it into a multi-billion dollar surplus, while cutting taxes and delivering balanced budgets. He cut the number of full-time city workers by more than 20,000 – excluding teachers, firefighters, and police officers – while slowing the growth of government spending to below the rate of inflation."
  • Business & labor issues:
  • Abortion issues: Pro-choice.
  • Capital punishment: Supports death penalty.
  • Marijuana: Does not support legalization of marijuana.
  • Gun control: Favors gun control. "But I also understand the second amendment. I understand the right to bear arms. I think that a lot of these things have to be resolved on a state by state basis. And I used say often when I was the mayor, it's one thing for New York, it's something different for Texas." Larry King Show
  • Minimum wage: Opposed increase in minimum wage. Source
  • Health care: The nation's current system of health care is "imperfect'' but a single-payer system, such as found in Europe and Canada, is not the way to improve it, according to Giuliani. "We (need to) build it based on private insurance, competition, markets,'' Giuliani said. Giuliani noted that even with the current "imperfect'' health care system stories of residents from Europe, Canada and other countries coming to the United States for state-of-the-art medical treatment are common but stories of American's traveling to other countries for medical treatment are rare at best. Source
  • Prescription drugs: Called for moratorium on prescription drug importation. "We should not contemplate opening our borders to threats to our medicine supply when in all other aspects we are searching for ways to tighten the security of our borders," Giuliani says in his report. Source
  • Environmental issues: As mayor of New York City, Giuliani's environmental record was mixed -- "pretty unremarkable, and at times dismal," said Ashok Gupta, chief energy economist for the New York City-based Natural Resources Defense Council. But he noted that Giuliani was "supportive" of the environmentally ambitious green-development projects of his close friend and colleague George Pataki, governor of New York. Source
  • Immigration issues: Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Giuliani believes that every parent should have “the ability to send their child to the school of their choice, be it public, private, or parochial.” --Campaign website
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Ex-VP Al Gore - Democrat
    (Born March 31, 1948) Board member, investment strategist, professor, journalist
  • Iraq War issues: Calling the Iraq war "the worst strategic mistake in the entire history of the United States" and "worse than a civil war," former Vice President Gore urged President Bush to find a way to get U.S. troops out of Iraq "as quickly as possible without making the situation worse". Source
  • Security/liberties: The American values we hold most dear have been placed at serious risk by the unprecedented claims of the Administration to a truly breathtaking expansion of executive power. As we begin this new year, the Executive Branch of our government has been caught eavesdropping on huge numbers of American citizens and has brazenly declared that it has the unilateral right to continue without regard to the established law enacted by Congress to prevent such abuses. It is imperative that respect for the rule of law be restored. Source
  • Social Security: As a candidate in 2000 he promised to protect SS. Wanted to invest 62 percent of the then budget surplus to keep Social Security going until 2055. Wants to work with Congress to maintain Social Security at least through 2075, but is wary of risky tax schemes. Acoording to an AP report on May 15, 2000``You shouldn't have to roll the dice with your basic retirement security,'' Gore argued that the government ultimately will wind up bailing out those whose investments don't pan out. Gore would use savings from paying down the national debt to pump more money into the program and maintain Social Security much as it is today.
  • Stem cell research: "Former Vice President Al Gore has touted the promise of stem-cell research for curing debilitating and deadly diseases." Source
  • Same sex issues: In 2000 supported ENDA, an annually proposed, yet not yet passed, federal employment non-discrimination law which would protect gays and lesbians in the workplace. On record as being willing to support legal protections for "domestic partnerships." By Ceci Connolly and Bradley Graham Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, December 14, 1999, Page A01 Vice President Gore said in 2000 campaign that President Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military should be abandoned and vowed to "eliminate this unacceptable form of discrimination" if elected president. --
    "Any force that tries to make you feel shame for being who you are, and loving who you love, is a form of tyranny over your mind. And it must be rejected, resisted, and defeated." -- Al Gore, speaking at the Human Rights Campaign Gala on March 25, 2006, at the Century Plaza Hotel. Source
  • Trade issues: Free Trader. In 2000 campaigned planned if elected to open up more foreign markets to U.S. trade.
  • Budget issues: As a candidate in 2000 he promised to keep interest rates low and investment rate high. Aims for a balanced budget every year. Wants to continue "reinventing government" to eliminate wasteful spending. --Gore 2000 campaign website
  • Business & labor issues: Has sided with business interests on trade issues, but otherwise sides with union interests. Source
  • Abortion issues: Abortions should always be legally available. Source
  • Capital punishment: Gore also said Thursday that he and others who support capital punishment "have to acknowledge that even the finest system of justice will inevitably ... produce some errors." Source
  • Marijuana issues: Vice President Gore today backed away from his earlier support of medical marijuana, saying he sees “no reliable evidence” that it is an effective pain reliever. During a candidate forum in New Hampshire last December, Gore said, “I think that where the alleviation of pain where medical situations is concerned, we have not given doctors enough flexibility to help patients who are going through acute pain.” But today, when asked by a student where he stood on a medical treatment that is legal in California, Gore took a stronger stance against use of the drug. “Right now, the science does not show me, or the experts whose judgment I trust, that it is the proper medication for pain and that there are not better alternatives available in every situation,” he said during a school visit in a low-income neighborhood southeast of downtown Los Angeles. Source: Ceci Connolly, Washington Post, pg. A10 May 12, 2000 Source
  • Gun control: Supports gun control legislation, including mandatory background checks at gun shows. (Supported ban on assault weapons, and the Brady Law - which has kept over 300,000 felons from buying guns.) --Gore 2000 campaign website.
  • Minimum wage: As a candidate in 2000 he said work should always pay more than welfare, thus he supported increasing the minimum wage. Source
  • Health care: In 2000, Gore promised to expand the availability of high quality health care to all Americans, especially seniors and children. Supports preventative health care education, and the expansion of biomedical research for AIDS and cancer.
  • Prescription drugs: "Herb Kohl, Russ Feingold, Joe Lieberman and I, we've been fighting for a prescription drug benefit under Medicare to cover all seniors. But the drug companies have been able to use their political power and their massive wealth to get a majority in the Congress, through lobbying and campaign contributions and persuasion, to block a prescription drug benefit. That is wrong. I believe that the will of the people ought to control these kinds of policies. What you need and what you want and what is right ought to decide the outcome. The big drug companies..." Source
  • Environmental issues: Gore is viewed very favorably by environmental groups. The author of "Earth in the Balance" -- Al Gore has long been associated with environmental protection. He has made global warming a political issue through his lectures and his Oscar winning documnetary "An Inconvenient Truth".
  • Immigration issues: As part of the Clinton Administration, Al Gore fought to pass the landmark 1994 Crime Bill, which included $1.2 billion toward the protection of our borders and the vast reduction of illegal immigration. Gore feels that bringing and keeping immigrant families together is a priority, and his record stands up to this. He has already been supporting legal immigration by trying to improve services and fighting for family reunification laws. Source
    Generally opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens. Opinion on temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers not known. Source
  • Education issues: "I oppose vouchers, Tim (Russert), is because even if you say it's not going to come from public school budgets, it does because history shows, experience shows there's a set amount of money that communities have been willing to spend on education. And if you drain the money away from the public schools for private vouchers, then that hurts the public schools." --Gore and Bradley Debate the Issues Meet the Press 12/19/1999
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Al Gore's website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Former Senator Mike Gravel - A Democrat until March 26, 2008 when he announced that he is a Libertarian candidate for president.
    (Born May 13, 1930) Real estate developer
  • War authorization: Was one of the first current or former elected officials to publicly oppose the planned invasion of Iraq in 2002. He appeared on MSNBC prior to the invasion insisting that intelligence showed that there were indeed NO weapons of mass destruction, that Iraq posed no threat to the United States and that invading Iraq was against America’s national interests. Since declaring his candidacy for President, Senator Gravel has called for an immediate and orderly withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq combined with aggressive and skilled diplomacy to end the sectarian violence currently consuming Iraq.
  • Security/liberties: Believes failures during Hurricane Katrina highlight structural changes that need to be made at the department. Source
  • Social Security: Gravel wants to put real money in the Social Security Trust Fund, investing it properly and identifying the interests of individual beneficiaries so they can leave their surplus funds to their heirs. He also calls on Congress to stop raiding the Social Security Trust Fund.
  • Stem cell research: Supports embryonic stem-cell research. Source
  • Same sex issues: Supports same-sex marriage. Source
  • Trade issues: Believes NAFTA is unfair. Source
  • Budget issues: Advocates the replacement of income taxes and the IRS with a national sales tax. Source
  • Business & labor issues:
  • Abortion issues: Pro-choice. Source
  • Capital punishment: Favors abolition of the death penalty. Source
  • Marijuana: Responding to a caller on a CSPAN program asking about marijuana and the drug war, Gravel stated “That one is real simple, I would legalize marijuana. You should be able to buy that at a liquor store.” Source
  • Gun control: Supports right to bear arms. Source
  • Minimum wage:
  • Health care: The solution to the healthcare crisis is a national, universal single-payer not-for-profit U.S. healthcare system.
  • Prescription drugs:
  • Environmental issues: Global climate change must be made an issue of national security. We must act swiftly to reduce America's carbon footprint in the world by passing legislation that caps emissions. However, any legislation will have little impact on the global environment if we do not work together with other global polluters. Fighting global warming can only be effective if it is a collective global effort.
  • Immigration issues: Supports stronger borders. Believes unfair trade laws, including NAFTA, are the root of the problem. Wants changes to protect American and Mexican jobs. Source
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Gravel wrote a book titled Citizen Power, in which he advocated School vouchers. Source
    No Child Left Behind has left far too many children behind. We have a dire situation in America; 30% of our kids do not graduate from high school. Nearly a third of our children are condemned to a substandard economic existence. Education in America must be properly funded. However, money will not solve all the problems. Washington D.C. ranks first in dollars spent, yet ranks last in achievement. We need to approach education comprehensively. We must properly fund education while raising the overall standard of living in America and making education a vital part of a healthy, thriving community.
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Sen. Chuck Hagel - Republican
    (Born October 4, 1946) President/chief executive officer, newscaster/talk show host, army sergeant
  • Iraq War Issues: Hagel supported the 2002 resolution to authorize military action in Iraq, but he has emerged as a strong skeptic of the Bush administration's handling of the war. In his speech, he called for a regional security conference to help invest Iraq's neighbors in the effort to stabilize the country. Source Hagel calls Bush’s latest “troop surge” the “biggest foreign policy blunder since Vietnam.” Source
  • Security/liberties: Hagel voted for all versions of the PATRIOT Act. Hagel supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 36 percent in 2005-2006. Source
  • Social Security: Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage themselves. Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts managed by private firms contracted by the government. Source
  • Stem cell research: Voted against a bill that allows for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct and support research that uses human embryonic stem cells. Source
  • Same sex issues: Voted for an amendment to the Constitution to define a marriage as a union between only a man and a woman. Source
  • Trade issues: Hagel supported the interests of the free trade advocating CATO Institute--Center for Trade Policy Studies 82 percent in 2003-2004. Source
  • Budget issues: For 2001-2002, the balanced budget advocating Concord Coalition gave Senator Hagel a rating of 12 percent. Source
  • Business & labor issues: Senator Hagel supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 94 percent in 2005. SourceSenator Hagel supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 7 percent in 2005. Senator Hagel supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 14 percent in 2005. Source
  • Abortion issues: Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered. Source
  • Capital punishment: Supports the use of the death penalty for federal crimes. Source
  • Marijuana: Hagel supports the increase penalties for selling illegal drugs. Supports mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs. Supports expanding federally sponsored drug education and drug treatment programs. Opposes decriminalization of the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Source
  • Gun control: While I strongly support an individual's Second Amendment rights, I believe licensing citizens to carry concealed weapons is an issue most appropriately handled at the state level. Source
  • Minimum wage: Opposes raising the minimum wage. Source
  • Health care: Does not agree with the following statements: "Providing health care is not a responsibility of the federal government." or "Implement a universal health care program to guarantee coverage to all Americans regardless of income." Source
  • Prescription drugs: Voted against an amendment that would allow the Health and Human Services Secretary to negotiate with prescription drug manufactures for the best possible prescription drug prices. Source
  • Environmental issues: Opposes strengthening the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. Supports opening a select portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration. Source
  • Immigration issues: I support provisions that allow the adjustments of status for certain, qualified immigrants with employment or family-based ties to U.S. citizens. I do not support amnesties for undocumented immigrants. Source
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children to any publicly-funded school. Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children to any participating school: public, private or religious. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Senate website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Gov. Mike Huckabee - Republican
    (Born August 24, 1955) Executive, pastor
  • Iraq War Issues: Supports Bush's Iraq War troop surge. Source
  • Security/liberties: Source
  • Social Security: Maintain long-term solvency of Social Security and Medicare. (Aug 2001) Maintain federal funding of Social Services Block Grants. (Sep 1999) Source
  • Stem cell research: Opposes federally funded stem cell research. Source
  • Same sex issues: Respect gay couples but don't change institution of marriage. (Jan 2007) Signed legislation outlawing same-sex marriage in Arkansas. (Dec 2006) No civil unions; only one-man-one-woman marriage. (Nov 2002) Source
  • Trade issues: Governor Huckabee's record on trade is limited, but positive. In 2003, he pushed for free trade with Mexico, calling for a "strong market of the Americas" and supporting NAFTA (AP 10/03/03). In 2006, he signed an agreement between Arkansas and a South Korea trade group, calling for increased commerce between the southern state and South Korea (AP 06/23/06). Source
  • Budget issues: He is a self-described fiscal conservative who favors a flat tax. However the CATO Institute in their Fiscal Policy Report Card on America's Governors: 2006 gave Huckabee an "F". Source
  • Business & labor issues: Source
  • Abortion issues: Abortion should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered. Eliminate public funding for abortions and public funding of organizations that advocate or perform abortions Source
  • Capital punishment: Supports the death penalty. Source
  • Marijuana: Would not decriminalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Source
  • Gun control: Supports the positions of the NRA. Source
  • Minimum wage: As governor, he supported the $1.10-per-hour minimum wage increase as a safeguard against a proposed constitutional amendment that would have increased the minimum wage yearly for inflation. Source
  • Health care: Supports the concept that the goverment should ensure that citizens have access to basic health care through managed care, insurance reforms, or state funded care where necessary. Source
  • Prescription drugs: Source
  • Environmental issues: Source
  • Immigration issues: We shouldn't have amnesty where we just say, "Fine, everybody's good, we're going to let it go." We should have a process where people can pay the penalties, step up and accept responsibility for not being here legally. But here's the point. The objective is not to be punitive. The objective is to make things right. Right for us. Right for them. And what I have objected to in the past is when we are punishing the children for the laws that maybe their parents have broken. I do have a problem with that. Source
    Mostly supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens. No know opinion on temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Does not support government-funded vouchers to send their children to any participating school (public, private, religious). Source
  • Net Neutrality: Maybe. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Rep. Duncan Hunter - Republican
    (Born May 31, 1948) Lawyer.
  • War authorization: Voted for the Iraq war authorization and has remained a staunch supporter of Bush's management of the war.
  • Security/liberties: American Civil Liberties Union give Hunter very low scores. Hunter supports the PATRIOT Act and other security measures favored by the Bush White House.
  • Social Security: Would like to privatize the system.
  • Stem cell research: Opposes.
  • Same sex issues: Opposes civil unions.
  • Trade issues: 2003-2004 he supported the interests of the free trade advocating CATO Institute 33% in 2003-2004, in 2001-2002, he voted their preferred position 24% of the time.
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget advocating Concord Coalition gave Hunter a rating of 8%
  • Business & labor issues: Hunter supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 95 percent in 2004. Hunter supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 14% and AFL-CIO 20% of the time in 2005.
  • Abortion issues: Pro-life. National Right to Life Committee always gives Hunter a 100% score.
  • Capital punishment: Favors the death penalty.
  • Marijuana: Opposes any legalization, including medical marijuana.
  • Gun control: Opposes any gun control.
  • Minimum wage: Since 1996, he has voted against four of six minimum wage increases, including the most recent.
  • Health care: Hunter supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 12% in 2005.
  • Prescription drugs: Voted against Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act and voted for Imports of Prescription Drugs bill and Medicare Prescription Drug bill.
  • Environmental issues: Environmenal groups give Hunter low marks, in the 0 to 10% range.
  • Immigration issues: "I was responsible for building the border fence in San Diego and one of my assistance wrote the legislation that made it the law that a 700 mile fence across the Mexican border must be built. If you control illegal immigration you not only solve illegal workers you solve a crime problem and a terrorism problem." -Hunter. Source
    Opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Voted to pass a bill to allow states to use certain federal funds designated for elementary and secondary education to provide scholarships, or vouchers, to low-income families to send their children to private schools, including religious schools. Reference: Bill sponsored by Riggs, R-CA; Bill HR 2746 ; vote number 1997-569 on Nov 4, 1997 Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Alan Keyes - Republican
    (Born August 7, 1950) Public speaker, former diplomat, and conservative political activist.
  • Iraq War Issues: " I think they stay there until they get the job done. I know that John Kerry is preoccupied with an exit strategy, but as I've been telling folks lately, if you get into a battle and the only thing you're thinking about is how to get out, I think we have a word for you--and it's not very complimentary."
    "I think that G.W. Bush has done the correct thing. He has moved preemptively in Afghanistan, he moved preemptively in Iraq--acting not on the wisdom of hindsight but on the foresight that is required in order to make sure that the American people will not again suffer even worse damage from this kind of insidious attack. And I think we ought to stay there until our national security purposes are served." Source
  • Security/liberties: "In a USA Today Gallup poll last week, 80 percent of Americans said they would give up some freedoms to gain security. This alarming sentiment, of course, has been the basis of the tyrant's bargain with the people from the beginning of human society. America was founded in large measure precisely to end such blackmail...It is our job to resist the siren song of exchanging liberty for promises of security. No government – not even our own – can be trusted with the authority to strip us of the protections of citizenship in pursuit of safety. As our founders understood, those who would exchange liberty for security deserve neither." Source
  • Social Security: "I strongly support a fundamentally new approach for younger workers, placing them in control of the investments made with their savings dollars. The elimination of the income tax will make tax-privileged "retirement" accounts irrelevant — all savings will be tax free. So while I favor the transitional policy of replacing Social Security with individually-controlled tax-free investment accounts, the ultimate solution to the problem of long-term and retirement savings is to return responsibility for this crucial function to the citizens of the country, along with the freedom necessary to accomplish it." Source
  • Stem cell research: "No — we do not have the right to take human life merely because it is unconscious, or because it is undeveloped or damaged, or for any other reason that tempts us to deny the equal dignity of all human persons". Source
  • Same sex issues: "In terms of civil rights discrimination, it is wrong to treat sexual orientation like race, for race is a condition beyond the individual's control. Sexual orientation, however, involves behavior, especially in response to passion. If we equate sexual orientation and race, we are saying that sexual behavior is beyond the individual's control and moral will. We cannot embrace such an understanding of civil rights without denying the human moral capacity, and with it the fitness of human beings for life in a free society. The effort to equate homosexual and lesbian relations with legal marriage represents a destructive assault on the heterosexual, marriage-based family." Source
  • Trade issues: Advocates trade controls. Believes that free government is more important than free trade. Keyes says "Trade socialism must be defeated root and branch, even when it is called 'free trade'." He adds GATT/WTO were big mistakes. In his opinion our representatives in Congress should not give the President "fast track" authority to "strike back room trade deals". (Opinions provided directly to by the Mr. Keyes during his 2000 run for the presidency).
  • Budget issues: "Replacing the income tax with a national sales tax would rejuvenate independence and responsibility in our citizens. True economic liberty and moral revival go hand in hand. A national sales tax would also put the American citizen back in control of fiscal policy. The best way to curtail government spending is to cut taxes, because they can't spend what they don't get. With a sales tax, we could deny funds to a spendthrift government — and give ourselves a tax cut — whenever we make the private choice to alter our spending and saving habits. But we must also take away the government's credit card. With limits on both tax revenue and borrowing, the Federal government would finally be forced to get serious about spending cuts. That's why a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, with barriers to both borrowing and spending, is the best way to secure budget discipline." Source
  • Business & labor issues: Generally favors business interests over labor interests. Source
  • Abortion issues: "In addition to overturning Roe v. Wade, we need a Human Life Amendment that respects life and restores our respect for the will of God." Source
  • Capital punishment: "I believe that there are certain circumstances in which the death penalty is in fact essential to our respect for life. If we do not, in our law, send the message to everyone that by calculatedly, coldly taking a human life — in a way that, for instance, assaults the structures of law in a society, or shows a cold-blooded and studied disregard for the value of that life — if we are not willing to implement the death penalty in those circumstances, then we are actually sending a message of contempt for human life." " Source
  • Drugs: Increase penalties for selling drugs. Impose capital punishment for convicted international drug traffickers. (Opinions provided directly to by the Mr. Keyes during his 2000 run for the presidency).
  • Gun control: Argues that "the Second Amendment gives a citizen the right to protect himself from threats like intruders and a tyrannical government". Believes that "people are responsible for violence, not firearms." (Opinions provided directly to by the Mr. Keyes during his 2000 run for the presidency).
  • Minimum wage: Opposed any hikes in the minimum wage. Source
  • Health care: "I don't believe in government-controlled health care, and I think that what we need to look at is ways in which we can put the consumer in proper charge of their own health care plan, so we can drive the cost down, instead of up." Source
  • Prescription drugs: "To help lower health care costs, we also need to allow the importation of cheaper prescription drugs from Canada and Europe, and do other sensible things — based on free-market principles — that will give consumers greater choice of health care options." Source
  • Environmental issues: "Today, disruption of the right of property is threatened additionally by extreme environmental values that place greater importance on the so-called "rights" of animals, trees, and streams than on the legitimate and essential needs of mankind — extreme notions that increasingly strip human beings of normal and reasonable economic opportunity. I support responsible human stewardship of God's creation, but I also whole-heartedly seek to include in that stewardship conscientious and vigilant respect for the fundamental human right of property." Source
  • Immigration issues: "Our country's immigration policy should encourage legal immigration to be maintained, and illegal immigration to be curtailed. The policy should be enforced through existing laws...Until our political leaders put in place the tools and forces needed to control our borders, responsible and moral Americans should oppose any measures that would signal our acceptance of the de facto colonization of our country. President Bush's guest-worker proposal and the Senate's amnesty bill are such measures. They may serve short-sighted business interests intent on cheapening the cost of labor in our economy, and they may serve the corrupt interests of Mexican and other foreign elites seeking to relieve the pressure created by their own policies of greedy exploitation, but they do not serve the common good." Source
  • Education issues: "The court-initiated prohibition of school prayer is only the symptom of a deeper problem — the neglect of moral education and character formation. The value-free education offered by the government-run schools has all too often proven to be education without value." Source
  • Campaign website.

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Rep. Dennis Kucinich - Democrat
    (Born October 8, 1946) Consultant, business president, professor, communications entrepreneur, software and public relations, sportswriter.
  • War authorization: One of the few in Congress to vote against the Iraq War authorization. Consistently criticizes Bush's management of the war. Source
  • Security/liberties: Consistently voted against the PATRIOT Act. Source. He has received increasingly higher marks from the ACLU, scoring 100% last year.
  • Social Security: Opposes privatization.
  • Stem cell research: Allow laboratories to create new lines of stem cells for additional research Source
  • Same sex issues: Opposes a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as a union between a man and woman. Source
  • Trade issues: Opposed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and continued U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Source
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget advocating the Concord Coalition gave Representative Kucinich a rating of 81%. Source.
  • Business & labor issues: Kucinich supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 30% and supported the interests of the Business-Industry Political Action Committee 7% in 2005. Source Kucinich supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 93% and supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 93% in 2005. Source
  • Abortion issues: He is pro-choice.
  • Capital punishment: He would eliminate the use of the death penalty for federal crimes. Source
  • Marijuana: He would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and allow doctors to recommend marijuana to their patients for medicinal purposes. Source. NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) considers him a "NORML friendly candidate", source.
  • Gun control: Supports gun control.
  • Minimum wage: Consistently supports and votes for minimum wage increases. Source
  • Health care: Supports universal health care. Source
  • Prescription drugs: Supports expanding prescription drug coverage under Medicare. Source
  • Environmental issues: Kucinich has been endorsed and he receives very high marks from environmental groups. Source
  • Immigration issues: Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 100% in 2006. He supported the interests of the U.S. Border Control 0% in 2005-2006. Source
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens. Opinion no known on temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Opposes school vouchers. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Sen. John McCain - Republican
    (Born August 29, 1936) Navy pilot, captain, beer distributor.
  • War authorization: Supports Bush's surge, in fact, calls for more additional troops than Bush recommends.
  • Security/liberties: Has voted for the PATRIOT act and it's revisions. He generally opposes the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union.
  • Social Security: Would allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage themselves. Source
  • Stem cell research: Supports stem cell research on existing lines of stem cells, but not new lines. Source
  • Same sex issues: Usually opposes gay marriage, but in an MSNBC "Hardball" interview he seemingly both supported and opposed gay marriage. “I think that gay marriage should be allowed, if there‘s a ceremony kind of thing, if you want to call it that. I don‘t have any problem with that, but I do believe in preserving the sanctity of a union between man and woman.” "On the issue of the gay marriage, I believe that people want to have private ceremonies, that‘s fine. I do not believe that gay marriages should be legal." Source
    His views on same sex civil unions are more ambiguous. McCain responded "yes" to VoteSmart's "Political Courage Test" question, "Should same-sex couples be allowed to form civil unions?" Source.
    On ABC’s “This Week,” host George Stephanopoulos asked [John] McCain why he supported [Arizona Proposition 107], saying it “actually denied any government benefits to civil unions or domestic partnerships. Are you against civil unions for gay couples?”
    First McCain said: “No, I’m not.”
    “I think that initiative did allow for people to join in legal agreements such as power of attorney and others,” he said. “I think that there was a difference of opinion on the interpretation of that constitutional amendment in Arizona.”
    “So you’re for civil unions?” Stephanopoulos asked.
    “No,” he said. “I do not believe gay marriage should be legal. I do not believe gay marriage should be legal,” he repeated. “But I do believe that people ought to be able to enter into contracts, exchange powers of attorney, other ways that people have relationships can enter into.” Source
  • Trade issues: Free trader. Source
  • Budget issues: For 2001-2002, the Concord Coalition gave Senator McCain a rating of 95 percent. Source
  • Business & labor issues: Senator McCain supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 72 percent in 2005. Source McCain supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 14 percent in 2005. McCain supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 14 percent in 2005. Source
  • Abortion issues: McCain supported the interests of the Planned Parenthood 0% in 2006. He supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 75% in 2005-2006. He supported the interests of the NARAL Pro-Choice America 0% in 2005.
  • Capital punishment: Supports the use of the death penalty for federal crimes. Source
  • Marijuana: Opposes legalization. Supports expanding prescription drug coverage under Medicare. Source
  • Gun control: Based on lifetime voting records the National Rifle Association assigned Senator McCain a grade of C+. He supported the interests of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence 14 percent from 1988-2003. Source
  • Minimum wage: Has voted both for and against minimum wage bills about an equal number of times. Source
  • Health care: Opposes universal health care. Source
  • Prescription drugs: Supports expanding prescription drug coverage under Medicare. Source
  • Environmental issues: Groups like the American Wilderness Coalition, Wildlife Action Fund and the League of Conservation Voters give McCain scores at or near 50%. Source
  • Immigration issues: Increase the number of visas issued for agricultural workers. Relax restrictions barring legal immigrants from using social programs (e.g. public housing, food stamps). Source
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education: Supports vouchers. Source Senator McCain supported the interests of the National Education Association 0 percent in 2005.
  • Net Neutrality: No Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Cynthia McKinney (born March 17, 1955) is a former United States Congresswoman and the 2008 Green Party nominee for President of the United States. McKinney served as a Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1993 to 2003, and from 2005 to 2007, representing Georgia's 4th Congressional District. - Green Party

  • IRAQ WAR: In 2006, I voted no on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date. I consistently opposed every regular and supplemental appropriation meant to fund the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have participated in International War Crimes Tribunals (in Brussles, Spain and Malaysia) designed to bring to justice the Bush-Cheney administration. I was targeted by AIPAC and others for my opposition to the Israeli occupation of and genocidal policies toward Palestine.
  • BALANCING CIVIL LIBERTIES & SECURITY: I opposed the Patriot Act and its re-authorization. Favors protecting and expanding civil rights.
  • SOCIAL SECURITY: Voted for the Social Security Lockbox bill to require that any budget surplus cannot be spent until the solvency of Social Security and Medicare is guaranteed.
  • EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH: In May 2005 I voted to support human embryonic stem cell research.
  • SCHOOL CHOICE: Voted against school vouchers for parents in Washington, D.C.
  • GAY & LESBIAN ISSUES: I opposed efforts to ban gay adoptions in Washington DC.
  • TRADE ISSUES: In 1999, I voted to oppose Most Favored Nation status for China; and to condition trade with China on an improved human rights record. In 2000, I voted yes to support U.S. withdrawal from the World Trade Organization. In 2005, I voted in opposition to implementing Central America Free Trade Agreement.
  • TAXES & GOVERMENT SERVICES: Greens support providing services for those in need and taxing those who are able pay.
  • THE DEFICIT: There is enough money to supply those under-funded and unfunded [programs]. When the Pentagon spends $60 million buying Tamiflu, at a time when the Secretary of Defense owns stock in the company that makes Tamiflu, and Tamiflu doesn't even prevent bird flu because it mutates; When the Pentagon spends $700 billion, and the Pentagon admits that they lost $2.3 billion; There is no dearth of money, it is a question of political will. -2008 Green Presidential Debate Jan 13, 2008
  • BUSINESS & LABOR: I authored the No Tax Breaks for Runaway Plants bill in Congress that would take tax breaks away from corporations that moved their plants overseas. I authored the TRUTH Act, which required disclosure of the whereabouts of subsidiaries of US corporations operating overseas because addresses were often hidden to prevent access by observers. I authored the Corporate Responsibility Act to force US corporations operating overseas to abide by US environmental and labor standards.
  • ABORTION: In 1999, I voted NO on barring the interstate transportation of minors to get an abortion. I supported funding contraception and UN family planning. I voted NO to oppose banning partial-birth abortions. In 2001, I voted NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad and NO on a new federal crime for harming a fetus while committing other crimes. In 2005, I voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions.
  • CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: In 1994, I voted to replace the death penalty with life imprisonment in the Federal Criminal Statutes. In 1995 I voted in opposition to making federal death penalty appeals more difficult. In 1996, I voted to maintain the right of habeus corpus in Death Penalty Appeals. In 2001, I voted to support a moratorium on the death penalty; and for funding for DNA testing; as well as to require DNA testing prior to any federal executions.
  • MARIJUANA: In 1999, I voted to oppose prohibiting needle exchange and medical marijuana in the District of Columbia. In September 2001, (in the early days following the 9-11- 2001 attacks) I voted in opposition to military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism.
  • GUN CONTROL: Sides with gun control advocates.
  • MINIMUM WAGE: I Authored a living wage bill in the 109th Congress.
  • HEALTH CARE: In Congress, I was a cosponsor of every bill to create a national system for universal access to health care under a single payer model.
  • PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: I supported a prescription drug bill that was within Medicare, allowed people to choose their pharmacies, with no gap in coverage, and that reduces out-of-pocket costs. And perhaps most importantly, the bill I supported, provided for the Secretary of HHS to negotiate the price of prescription drugs for the entire nation. Not only would this plan save our seniors and others money, but it would save the nation money too. Source
  • ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The United States can no longer hide its truculence under the mask of weather fluctuations or unclear science, Islands are disappearing; indigenous ways of life are threatened; indeed the world as we know it is at risk if the United States continues to do nothing. Therefore, a drastic cut in emissions is necessary. This can be accomplished by using the tax code to incentivize behavior. From retrofitting buildings, demanding new standards for all new construction, utilizing existing technologies and developing new ones, to subsidizing infrastructure rehabilitation, energy generation, and mass transit, not only can the United States reverse its deadly inaction, but it can become a world-class leader.
  • LEGAL/ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: In 1998, I voted NO on issuing more immigrant visas for skilled workers. In 2001, I voted YES on extending Immigrant Residency rules. In 2006 I voted NO on building a fence along the Mexican border.
  • SLAVE REPARATIONS: I have long advocated for reparations for the descendants of enslaved Africans.
  • Campaign website
  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Kent McManigal -- Libertarian Party & Boston Tea Party candidate

    Note: All views supplied by the candidate.
  • Iraq War issues: I was and still am against the invasion of Iraq. It is wrong to invade a foreign country. Even Bush now admits that Iraq had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Invading and occupying a foreign country does more harm to America in the long run than the original terrorists caused on that day. The US needs to withdraw its forces immediately in order to cease committing war crimes.
  • Security/liberties: There can be no "security" without "liberty". There is no "liberty" other than "individual liberty". As Ben Franklin said: "Those who would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety".
  • Social Security: Social Security is bankrupt; morally and financially. It was based on a lie. There was never a Social Security account held in your name. Your money was stolen and given to others. The sooner Americans face and accept this fact, the sooner we can let it go and move on. Social Security numbers are now being used, illegally, as tracking numbers on Americans by the US government.
  • Stem cell research: Research should never be "federalized". I support the separation of science and state. I fully support private stem cell research.
  • Same sex issues: Get government out of ALL marriages. Government has no legitimate reason for being in the "business" of marriage. It is no one else's business who chooses to marry whom.
  • Trade issues: Protectionism and quotas harm private business and consumers.
  • Budget: Taxation is theft. Government must sell off its holdings in order to finance its activities. Any department, agency, bureau, program or office that is not specifically mandated in the original Constitution must be abolished, thereby reducing the need for most of the government's budget.
  • Business and labor: Both labor unions and governmental oversight programs harm business and workers. I support free market solutions to the issues involved.
  • Pro-choice, pro-life: I do not like abortion, personally. However it is not murder as an embryo, while alive, is not an independent, viable life-form in any sense. Abortion should not be illegal, but of course, stolen (tax) money should not be used to fund it.
  • Capital punishment: No government can be trusted with authority over life and death. The only legitimate form of Capital Punishment is carried out at the scene and time of the crime by the intended victim or a rescuer.
  • Marijuana: All laws against medications, conventional or not, should be abolished. The "War on Drugs" has been an abject failure with regards to reducing drug use. It has also enabled most of the very worst of the governmental abuses to be committed. Drug laws are counterfeit "laws" since they address something other than actual force or fraud.
  • Gun control: The Second Amendment specifically and clearly forbids the government from passing any laws regarding weapons. However, it merely recognizes a pre-existing right and does not grant a right. Rights do not come from government and cannot be revoked by government. All gun laws are counterfeit laws.
  • Minimum wage: The proper minimum wage is "zero". Anything more causes false pressures on the market which hurt business and unskilled workers trying to enter the job market. No one would accept or continue in a job which pays less than they are willing to work for. The market will self-correct if left alone.
  • Health care: There is no "right to health care". There would be plenty to go around, and at a fair price if government would stop meddling.
  • Prescription drugs: "Prescription drug plans" call for the medications to be subsidized with stolen money via Medicare or welfare of another sort. This is wrong.
  • Immigration: There is no such thing as "illegal immigratrion". The problem arises because of people who immigrate to America and then become a "drain" on the welfare system. The welfare system is financed with stolen (tax) money and must be abolished, thereby eliminating the incentive for people to immigrate if they have no desire to become self supporting, productive people.
  • Education: There is no Constitutional provision for government-run schooling. Parents should have the choice of how they wish to educate their children, or to opt out completely if they so desire. Vouchers only redirect the stolen (property tax) money to different schools but do not address the root problem.
  • Comments: I think that dangerous laws like the PATRIOT ACT and REAL ID are polar opposites to what America was founded on. Using these counterfeit "laws", and the wars on drugs, guns, and terror, the US government has overstepped its authority in a greivous way. The US government is at war with America. It is vital that America wins.
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Ralph Nader - independent
    Ralph Nader was born on February 27, 1934 in Winsted, Connecticut. He is an attorney, consumer advocate and five time presidential candidate. .

  • IRAQ WAR: Would have opposed Bush’s original request to use military force against Iraq.
  • LEAVING IRAQ: Would support a deadline for withdrawal in Iraq.
  • BALANCING CIVIL LIBERTIES & SECURITY: Would lean toward protecting civil liberties even though it might risk our security.
  • SOCIAL SECURITY: Would work to make it solvent, possibly raising the earnings ceiling and/or the retirement age, etc.
  • EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH: Would support federal expansion of embryonic stem cell research.
  • SCHOOL CHOICE: Would oppose publicly funded "voucher" programs that allows students to choose to attend any of various participating private and public schools.
  • GAY & LESBIAN ISSUES: Would support both marriage and civil unions for same sex couples.
  • TRADE ISSUES: Would support fair trade policies.
  • TAXES & GOVERMENT SERVICES: Would favor the "government should help people" positions of groups such as the Children's Defense Fund and the Alliance for Retired Americans.
  • THE DEFICIT: Would strive to reduce the deficit, by reducing military spending and by raising taxes.
  • BUSINESS & LABOR: Would favor the pro-labor positions of the AFL-CIO and similar groups. Priority: LOW
  • ABORTION: Would support the pro-choice positions of organizations like NARAL.
  • CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: Would oppose the death penalty.
  • MARIJUANA laws: Would support a general decriminalization of marijuana.
  • MINIMUM WAGE: Would have a history of supporting increases in the minimum wage.
  • HEALTH CARE: Would favor a government-provided, universal health care program for Americans. Source
  • PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: Both the above.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Would favor positions of environmental groups like the League of Conservation Voters.
  • LEGAL IMMIGRATION: Would favor a more open immigration policy, holding the opinion that foreign workers are a valuable and necessary addition to our labor pool.
  • ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: Would support temporary legalization (guest worker programs) for illegal aliens, but oppose permanent amnesty.
  • SLAVERY REPARATIONS: Position not known.
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Rep. Ron Paul - Republican
    (Born 20 August 1935) Obstetrician-gynecologist, author
  • Iraq War: Voted against "Use of Military Force Against Iraq" (10/10/2002). Voted with Democrats in rebuking Bush's management of Iraq War, saying, "We all know, in time, the war will be de-funded one way or another and the troops will come home. So why not now?"
  • Security/liberties: Has consistently voted "no" on civil liberty curtailing issues, and generally "no" on security issues for similar reasons.
  • Social Security: As former Libertarian, favors privatizing Social Security.
  • Stem cell research: Opposes federal funding of expansion of stem cell research.
  • Same sex issues: Supports civil unions for same sex couples.
  • Trade issues: Paul is an ardent free-trader.
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget championing Concord Coalition gave Representative Paul a rating of 99 percent in their most recent report card.
  • Business & labor issues: Favors pro-business positions.
  • Abortion issues: Strongly pro-life.
  • Capital punishment: Opposes capital punishment.
  • Marijuana, illegal street drugs: Received a 100% score from the DPA (Drug Policy Alliance) DPA is the nation's leading organization working to end the war on drugs. We envision new drug policies based on science, compassion, health and human rights and a just society in which the fears, prejudices and punitive prohibitions of today are no more. Usually supports the interests of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), receiving a 30 score (their highest)from that organization on issues they deemed important in 2006. NORML considers him a "NORML friendly candidate", source.
  • Gun control: Strongly opposes gun control laws.
  • Minimum wage: Has consistently voted against minimum wage increases.
  • Health care: Has a mixed voting record on health issues..
  • Prescription drugs: Voted "yes" to pass a bill that requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate lower drug prices for part D drugs for people enrolled in a prescription drug plan through part D.
  • Environmental issues: Paul gets low marks from environmental groups such as the League of conservation voters. Source
  • Immigration issues: Rated 100% by FAIR, indicating a voting record restricting immigration. (Dec 2003) Source
    Generally opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens. Opposes temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Voted NO on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998) Voted YES on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997) Source
  • Net Neutrality: No Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Congressional website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Gov. Bill Richardson - Democrat
    (Born November 15, 1947) Secretary, US Department of Energy, US ambassador to the United Nations
  • War authorization: "The only surge we need in Iraq is a diplomatic one. We need to withdraw American troops from Iraq this year, redeploy our men and women to Afghanistan and other international terrorism hotspots, and reinvigorate our diplomacy throughout the Middle East. We need a political solution to the Iraq crisis, not a military one" Source
  • Security/liberties: “It is important, especially now that Congress is evaluating the impact of the Patriot Act, that we send the message that New Mexico opposes the infringement of civil rights and liberties,” said Governor Bill Richardson. “The United States can fight the war against terrorism without eroding America’s precious freedoms.” Source
  • Social Security: "On Social Security reform, the governors sent a letter to the president laying out three governing principles: Number one, any reform has to be fiscally responsible by not continuing to explode the budget deficit; number two, that a solution be bipartisan; and number three, that we should not break our promise to our seniors and our young people to cut benefits." --Richardson Source
  • Stem cell research: Richardson submitted to the New Mexico Legislature a budget that includes a one-time $3.8 million funding request and $2.2 million in annual funding to build a facility for stem cell research. (Rubel, Alamogordo Daily News, 1/26/2007).
  • Same sex issues: Opposes same sex marriage. In 2005, however, Richardson said that he would sign DOIMA, but only if it had a civil union component that would protect same-sex couples. Source
  • Trade issues: Free trader. Supports NAFTA, GATT, & WTO.
  • Budget issues: "He consistently supported a balanced budget amendment, underscoring his belief that government should live within its means." Source
  • Business & labor issues: While his free trade stance is at odds with labor unions, he is sympathetic to unions, "We completed negotiations on a state employees union contract, fulfilling the mandate of the Legislature in returning collective bargaining rights to state employees and giving our state workers the right once again to enjoy the benefits of union membership." --State of the State address Source
  • Abortion issues: Voted "no" on congressional bill Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995. Source
  • Capital punishment: "In rare situations, the death penalty is the appropriate penalty." Source
  • Marijuana: Supports medical marijuana, but not legalization for recreational use. Source
  • Gun control: Received a endorcement from the NRA Source
  • Minimum wage: Voted "yes" on congressional Minimum Wage Increase bill 1996. Source
  • Health care: We must work to provide health insurance and access to quality, affordable health care, for all Americans and frankly we'd save a lot of money by doing it. We're spending hundreds of billions of dollars every year paying the costs of health care for the uninsured. In New Mexico, a poor state, we have faced huge health care challenges. However, we've extended health insurance to tens of thousands of New Mexicans -- kids, working families, and small businesses -- and we're working on a plan to cover every person. Source Richardson said he believes all Americans have a basic right to universal health care. Source
  • Prescription drugs: "For all seniors, I will enter into forceful negotiations with drug companies to obtain the largest possible price discounts. I agree with those who say prescription drug coverage for senior citizens is a federal responsibility, but we can't simply ignore the problem at the state level." Source
  • Environmental issues: One of five western governors to sign the anti-global warming "Western Regional Climate Action Initiative"
  • Immigration issues: " I think it's very impractical, whether it's 11 million or, as you said, possibly 20, to deport every one of these individuals. So what we need to do, I believe, is continue to tighten the borders, continue to get more Border Patrol. But what we also need, I believe, is a sensible legalization plan. Not amnesty, not automatic citizenship." Source
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
    Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Opposes school vouchers. "I would change No Child Left Behind," said Richardson to loud applause. "There's is nothing there for teacher enhancement." During his tenure as governor, Richardson said he raised teacher's wages while encouraging them to produce and holding them to accountability standards. He said he would like to see more emphasis on science, mathematics, and languages to make America more competitive at home and abroad. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Ex-Gov. Mitt Romney - Republican
    (Born March 12, 1947) CEO/managing partner,
  • Iraq War issues: "While Romney supported the March 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and backs Bush's current troop increase, he has repeatedly said the post-invasion period was "mismanaged" with a lack of preparation for the insurgency and adequate planning for a government handover." Source
    He said:
    Bush did not do an "adequate job" explaining the reasons for the war before the first shots were fired.
    The attack was based on faulty intelligence.
    The United States hasn't had "sufficient" troops in Iraq to stabilize the country after initial combat.
    The prisoner abuse that followed at Abu Ghraib was "unfortunate." Source
    Opposes withdrawal.
  • Security/liberties: Romney suggested wiretapping mosques and conducting surveillance of foreign students Source
  • Social Security: Radio Iowa (August 25, 2006) Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2008, says it's time to reform the two major "entitlement" programs in America: Social Security and Medicare, government-paid health care insurance for the elderly. Source
  • Stem cell research: Vetoed a stem cell research bill. "Mitt Romney defended his opposition to embryonic stem cell research despite the fact that his wife suffers from multiple sclerosis, a disease that some scientists believe could be cured with stem cells. He is confident that existing stem cell lines and adult stem cells have just as great scientific promise."Source
  • Same sex issues: Has supported gay partnership recognition, but opposes civil unions and same sex marriage. Source Governor Mitt Romney, who frequently tells Republican audiences that every child has a right to have a mother and father, acknowledged yesterday that same-sex couples have ''a legitimate interest" in adopting children. Source
  • Trade issues: "Which course is better for America? A European model of high taxes and regulations? Or, low taxes and free trade - the Ronald Reagan model?" Source
  • Budget issues: The Federal government must stop its borrowing and spending binge. The debt is a burden on our economy, our currency, our foreign policy, and our future. This is beyond pork barrel spending. We must address entitlement programs - not just to save money - but to give Americans confidence in their future. Source
  • Business & labor issues:
  • Abortion issues: Has moved from being a pro-choice Massachusetts governor to the pro-life presidential candidate.
  • Capital punishment: Suuports the death penalty.
  • Marijuana: He has said things in the past that indicate he's not as opposed to the issue as one might expect a Mormon, conservative Republican to be. At a White House Office of National Drug Control Policy summit in Boston in 2003, he wondered aloud why medical marijuana couldn't be treated like any other potential pharmaceutical: "Would it not be appropriate to subject marijuana to this same [drug-testing] process?" Source
  • Gun control: Mitt Romney, who has touted his support of gun owners since launching his presidential campaign, yesterday acknowledged he did not become a member of the National Rifle Association until last August, campaign officials said. A former advocate of gun control, Romney during his 1994 run for the US Senate backed measures the gun-rights group opposed, such as a five-day waiting period on gun sales and a ban on certain assault weapons. Source
  • Minimum wage: Governor Mitt Romney yesterday rejected the Legislature's plan to raise the state minimum wage to $8 an hour over two years, angering Democratic lawmakers and advocates who accused him of abandoning a 2002 campaign pledge to significantly boost the pay of low-wage workers Source
  • Health care: The health of our nation can be improved by extending health insurance to all Americans, not through a government program or new taxes, but through market reforms. Source
  • Prescription drugs: The issue of Medicare Part D "is a complicated one," Romney said. He noted that President Bush "wanted to bring prescription coverage to seniors. He got that done, that's huge.... It has with it a financial burden which is very large. I don't imagine that that was what he was aiming for when he thought about this during his campaign." Romney said, "I would have hoped to do it differently, I would have hoped to include within the additional prescription benefits certain reforms to Medicaid, Medicare, and our entire healthcare system to be able to pay for a very helpful prescription drug benefit." Source
  • Environmental issues: "If climate change is happening, the actions we take will help. If climate change is largely caused by human action, this will really help. If we learn decades from now that climate change isn't happening, these actions will still help our economy, our quality of life, and the quality of our environment… I'm not a scientist. I read one book over the summer that said, 'gee, global warming is happening for reasons unrelated to human participation,' and other reports, far more, indicate, 'no no, it's very much driven by humans.' Well, I don't know." The Boston Globe. May 7, 2004.
  • Immigration issues: We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America.
    Mostly opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens. Opposes temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: "If we are going to compete in the global economy, we have to set our education goals higher." (AP, May 16, 2005). Source Supports vouchers.
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Wayne Allyn Root - Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root (born July 20, 1961 in Mount Vernon, New York) is a businessperson, television celebrity, TV producer, best-selling author and professional sports handicapper. Mr. Root supplied his views directly to
  • IRAQ WAR Answers [available selector options] do not accurately fit my philosophy. Too simplistic. I do not believe in going back in time and being a back seat driver. It would have depended on what i knew at the time, what access I had to top secret information.
  • LEAVING IRAQ Would support a deadline for withdrawal in Iraq.
  • BALANCING CIVIL LIBERTIES & SECURITY Would lean toward protecting civil liberties even though it might risk our security.
  • SOCIAL SECURITY Would consider other options, including privatization.
  • EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH Would support federal expansion of embryonic stem cell research. Priority: LOW Comment: n/a
  • EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH Would support federal expansion of embryonic stem cell research.
  • SCHOOL CHOICE Would support publicly funded "voucher" program that allows students to choose to attend any of various participating private and public schools.
  • GAY & LESBIAN ISSUES Would support civil unions (but not marriages) for same sex couples.
  • TRADE ISSUES Would support free trade policies.
  • TAXES & GOVERNMENT SERVICES [I] would favor the anti-tax positions of the National Taxpayers Union.
  • DEFICIT Answers [available selector options] do not accurately fit my philosophy. I would reduce deficit and balance budget through spending cuts only. I would not support tax increases under any circumstances.
  • BUSINESS & LABOR Would favor the pro-business positions of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and similar groups.
  • ABORTION Answers [available selector options] do not accurately fit my philosophy. Too complicated. I support abortion as a states' rights issue- to be decided on a state-by-state basis.
  • CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Answers [available selector options] do not accurately fit my philosophy. I support death penalty in limited specific situations only- supported by admission of guilt and/or DNA evidence.
  • MARIJUANA Answers [available selector options] do not accurately fit my philosophy. I would fight first for legalized medicinal marijuana. Then after proving the success of this legalization move onto a general decriminalization of marijuana.
  • GUN CONTROL Would oppose gun control legislation. Supports positions of groups such as the NRA and the Gun Owners of America.
  • MINIMUM WAGE Would have a history of opposing increases in the minimum wage.
  • HEALTH CARE Would oppose a government-provided, universal health care program for Americans
  • PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Would favor allowing citizens to purchase drugs from Canada and elsewhere abroad. Would favor the federal government negotiating with drug manufacturers to get the best possible price.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Would oppose positions of environmental groups like the League of Conservation Voters.
  • LEGAL IMMIGRATION Would favor a more open immigration policy, holding the opinion that foreign workers are a valuable and necessary addition to our labor pool.
  • ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Would support temporary legalization (guest worker programs) for illegal aliens, but oppose permanent amnesty Answers [available selector options] do not accurately fit my philosophy. I support securing the border first. Then dealing with those already here illegally.
  • SLAVERY REPARATIONS Would not advocate reparations for slavery
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Rep. Tom Tancredo - Republican
  • Iraq War issues: Voted for USA Patriot Act of 2001, Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 and Authorization for Use of Military Force. "Our continued presence in Iraq as the referee in a civil war inhibits this development." This should be more than a benchmark. I believe it should be used as the time frame for our disengagement from Iraq. We can maintain a military presence in the area to act as a quick response force with a mission to destroy Al Qaeda elements while simultaneously aiding the new balance of power in the region to develop. I am not alone in my thoughts about what to do in Iraq. Former UN Ambassador John Bolton, in a recent interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, concurred. "I think it's clear that the United States has met the obligation that it incurred when it overthrew Saddam Hussein. And that's to try and provide some conditions of security for the Iraqis to determine what kind of country or what kind of society they want in the future. We have met that obligation. That obligation does not need to be extended. And this is really the last chance for them. After that, we need to pursue very narrowly what our strategic interest is. And that's making sure that terrorism doesn't find root in that country."---Former UN Ambassador John Bolton Campaign website
  • Security/liberties: Tancredo supported the interests of the American Security Council 100 percent in 2003-2004. Campaign website Tancredo supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 9 percent in 2005-2006. Campaign website
  • Social Security: Congress should consider some form of individually directed personal savings accounts. Future retirees should have more flexibility and involvement in planning for their retirement, and have the opportunity to earn more on their retirement investments than Social Security currently can offer. We can give future retirees this opportunity, while preserving and protecting Social Security for today’s beneficiaries and for the Baby Boomers nearing retirement. Campaign website
  • Stem cell research: Opposes federal funding of stem research. Campaign website
  • Same sex issues: Voted "yes" on a resolution proposing a constitutional amendment providing that marriage in the U.S. consists only of the union of a man and a woman, and federal and state constitutions can not be construed to require marriage or legal incidents of marriage be conferred in other unions. Campaign website
  • Trade issues: Tancredo supported the interests of the free trade advocating CATO Institute--Center for Trade Policy Studies 50 percent in 2003-2004. Campaign website
  • Budget issues: The balanced budget favoring Concord Coalition gave Representative Tancredo a rating of 95 percent. Campaign website
  • Business & labor issues: Grade from the National Federation of Independent Business: A. Campaign website
  • Abortion issues: Grade from the National Right to Life Committee: A. Campaign website
  • Capital punishment:
  • Marijuana: Tancredo Votes for Medical Marijuana Bill. He broke with Republicans yesterday to vote for the Hinchey- Rohrabacher Amendment which would bar the U.S. Department of Justice (including the D.E.A.) from using taxpayer funds to conduct medical marijuana raids or arrest and prosecute users in the 11 states, including Colorado, where voters have approved medical marijuana. Campaign website
  • Gun control: Grade from the National Rifle Association: A. Campaign website
  • Minimum wage: Consistently votes against minimum wage increases. Campaign website
  • Health care: Opposes universal healthcare. "many lawmakers advocate for government-provided, universal health care for all Amerricans. That is, they push for further government intrusion into private matters that would, through policy, become public. By championing existing levels of nationalized health care, mainly Medicare and Medicaid, and calling for even more, these lawmakers are tossing their hands in the air and justifying more government involvement into people's private lives." Source
  • Prescription drugs: Voted "yes" on allowing imported prescription drugs. Voted against Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act. Source
  • Environmental issues: Tancredo supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 0 percent in 2005. Tancredo supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 11 percent in 2005. Source
  • Immigration issues: am absolutely opposed to amnesty. In addition to rewarding those who broke our laws, amnesties simply do not solve the problem of illegal immigration. The only realistic solution to the problem of illegal immigration is a strategy of attrition, which seeks to reduce the flow of the illegal alien population over time by cutting off the incentives for coming to and staying in America - most importantly by eliminating the jobs magnet. America must also reexamine its legal immigration policies. Grade from the Americans for Better Immigration: A+. Campaign website
    Opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Supports school vouchers, and opposes any federal involvement. He voted against the No Child Left Behind Act. Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).
  • Campaign website

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Former Sen. Fred Thompson - Republican
    (Born August 19, 1942) Lawyer, lobbyist, character actor)
  • Iraq War Issues: Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002) Source Supports President Bush's decision to increase troops in Iraq. "Wars are full of mistakes. You rectify things. I think we're doing that now," he said. "Why would we not take any chance, even though there's certainly no guarantees, to not be run out of that place? I mean, we've got to take that opportunity and give it a chance to work." Source
  • Waterboarding and torture: Would not exclude waterboarding as an interrogation method of suspected terrorists. Source
  • Security/liberties: Would pardon former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's conviction for perjury and obstruction of justice now, rather than waiting until all his appeals are exhausted. Thompson is a fundraiser for Libby's defense. Source
  • Social Security: Voted YES on Social Security Lockbox & limiting national debt. (Apr 1999) Voted YES on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees. (May 1998) Voted YES on allowing personal retirement accounts. (Apr 1998) Source
  • Stem cell research:
  • Same sex issues: Opposes gay marriage, but would let states decide whether to allow civil unions. "Marriage is between a man and a woman, and I don't believe judges ought to come along and change that." Source
  • Trade issues: Voted YES on extending free trade to Andean nations. (May 2002) Voted YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam. (Oct 2001) Voted NO on removing common goods from national security export rules. (Sep 2001) Source
  • Budget issues: Voted YES on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000) Voted NO on 1998 GOP budget. (May 1997) Voted YES on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997) Source"Reagan showed what can be done if you have the will to push for tough choices and the ability to ask the people to accept them." … "Lower marginal tax rates have proven to be a key to prosperity now by Kennedy, Reagan and Bush. It’s time millionaires serving in the Senate learned not to overly tax other people trying to get wealthy." Source
  • Business & labor issues:
  • Abortion issues: Is "pro-life," and believes federal judges should overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision as "bad law and bad medical science." Source
  • Capital punishment: Voted YES on limiting death penalty appeals. (Apr 1996) Source
  • Marijuana: Voted YES on increasing penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999) Source
  • Gun control: Opposes gun control, and praised last week's 2-1 federal appeals decision overturning a long-standing handgun ban. "The court basically said the Constitution means what it says, and I agree with that." Source
  • Minimum wage: Voted YES on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999) Source
  • Health care:
  • Prescription drugs: Voted NO on allowing reimportation of Rx drugs from Canada. (Jul 2002) Voted YES on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit. (Apr 2001) Voted NO on including prescription drugs under Medicare. (Jun 2000) Source
  • Environmental issues: Voted YES on confirming Gale Norton as Secretary of Interior. (Jan 2001) Voted YES on more funding for forest roads and fish habitat. (Sep 1999) Source
  • Immigration issues: Voted YES on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work. (Jul 1998) Voted YES on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998) Source
    Mostly opposes amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aiens as guestworkers Source
  • Education issues: Voted YES on school vouchers in DC. (Sep 1997) Source
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available).

  • 2008
    Presidential Candidate Selector
    Candidate Positions

    Former Gov. Tommy Thompson - Republican
    (Born November 19, 1941) Attorney, real estate broker
  • Iraq War Issues: Would ask the Iraqis if they wanted American troops in Iraq. If they said no, he's pull troops. But thinks they want us. Would veto Democrats (war funding with time table) bill if he were Bush. SourceIn a 2005 opinion piece, Thompson wrote, "That is the principle at the heart of what I call ''medical diplomacy" -- the winning of hearts and minds of people in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and elsewhere by exporting medical care, expertise, and personnel to help those who need it most. Medical diplomacy must be made a significantly larger part of our foreign and defense policy, as we clean up from costly and deadly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. America has the best chance to win the war on terror and defeat the terrorists by enhancing our medical and humanitarian assistance to vulnerable countries. By delivering hope we will deliver freedom." Source
  • Security/liberties: Source
  • Social Security: Source
  • Stem cell research: Former HHS Secretary and Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson said that he could not provide a definitive response on whether he supports the proposal (AP/Winston-Salem Journal, 5/4). Source However, on his website, he sounds to be pro-stem cell research Source
  • Same sex issues: Did not believe that the Wisconsin government should recognize same-sex marriages. Does not believe that government should include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws. Source
  • Trade issues: Thompson is a supporter of free trade and "fast track" authority for the president to negotiate free trade agreements. Source
  • Budget issues: Source
  • Business & labor issues: Source
  • Abortion issues: Abortions should be legal only when pregnancy resulted from incest, rape, or when the life of the woman is endangered. Abortions should be limited by waiting periods and parental notification requirements. Prohibit the late-term abortion procedure known as "partial-birth" abortion. Source
  • Capital punishment: Supports the death penalty. Source
  • Marijuana: Would not decriminalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Source Favored more federal funding for all aspects of Drug War. (Aug 2000) Source
  • Gun control: Favors state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms. Supports amendment to Wisconsin constitution on right to bear arms. Source
  • Minimum wage: Source
  • Health care: Believes that the uninsured use the costly emergency system, causing higher health costs. "[He touts] his plan to cover the 45 million Americans without health insurance. He would have states put uninsured residents in a group and seek bids for no-frills policies to cover them, using federal tax credits to bring costs down. These basic policies would cap casualty losses at $75,000. Higher losses would be paid for through a system of reinsurance, with federal help. Source
  • Prescription drugs: "Thompson, in announcing late in 2004 that he was stepping down at HHS, said he regretted that the Medicare reform bill did not give his agency the power to negotiate with drug companies on the price of pharmaceuticals for seniors. But today, he expresses no such second thoughts, saying it's up to Congress to write law. And he counsels patience with respect to Medicare Part D's start-up troubles; he predicted that by this fall's elections, problems with enrollment, administration and service delivery will be resolved." Source
  • Environmental issues: Advocates the following:
    Require the use of cleaner burning fuels in order to prevent pollution.
    Support "self-audit" legislation which creates incentives for industries to audit themselves and clean up pollution.
    Require a cost/benefit analysis to determine the economic impact of proposed environmental regulations before they are implemented.
    Require the state to fully compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses on privately owned land.
    Provide funding for recycling programs in Wisconsin.
    Request added flexibility from the federal government in enforcing and funding federal environmental regulations.
    Suspend participation in unfunded, federally mandated environmental protection legislation. Source
  • Immigration issues: Source
  • Education issues: Favors school choice. Source
  • Campaign website.
  • Link to voting records and special interest group ratings. (If available)